Sabine had never been a big drinker. She had a good memory for what drinks tasted like, but she never really indulged at times of celebration like her pack mates did. That said, she hadn't tried Cyrodilic brandy specifically. It took a couple of moments for her to nod to Peiter's offer, "Okay." The drinks came around and Sabine sipped at her water. It was only slightly cooler than the water in the skins they carried, but no less refreshing. Tzirret was the first to taste Peiter's brandy. He surreptitiously took the small bottle and sniffed at its contents. His small wince indicated that knowing its strong smell was not the best idea before tasting it. He glanced at both Sabine and Peiter, then raised the bottle up for a small sip. He visibly strained to swallow as he put the bottle down. His ears were pushed back and he was frowning. "Ech, you Cyrodiils may keep your brandy," he said, sliding the bottle slowly to Sabine. Like Tzirret, Sabine gave the brandy a small sniff, but she was not hesitant about tasting it at all. The bottle was up, then down, and she was rolling it in her mouth as she stared at the far side of the room. It wasn't quite what she was expecting, but she didn't mind it. Just as she was looking like she was about to give the bottle back, she quickly took another, larger sip, and then gave it back to Peiter, giving a mischievous laugh through her nose and putting her other hand up to her closed mouth so that she didn't spray the brandy around. Sabine swallowed and spoke, "It is nice, but I do not think I would drink a whole bottle." Janius regarded Meesei as he leaned back in his chair. By his reaction and almost everyone else's, what Meesei mentioned was something of a foregone conclusion. "I think I'll be nursing this anyway," Janius said, taking another sip. Little did he know, letting a sweet drink like this get too warm was bound to make it taste worse. "I'll be nursing as well, but..." Gallus looked into his drink unsurely, "...not to avoid tipsiness in particular this time for me." He hazarded another swig, and blinked as if something was caught in his eye. "Well, when in Elsweyr, do as the Khajiit do, I guess." Sabine had noticed what Meesei had said as well and looked to Peiter. "Do you have your cards?" she asked.