Izzy pulled off the bomber and looked around, taking inventory of the remaining enemy aircraft before grinning to herself. An idea. She looked over the bomber info that she'd received and then pulled up her radio "Roland, I have idea to take out the bomber. All aircraft, if anyone is able to, follow me." She proceeded to pulled up rapidly on the stick, engaging the afterburners on Duchess and climbed straight up like a rocket as she watched her fuel gauge drop like a stone from full to 3/4. Once at a significant altitude she pulled back on the stick once again, flipping herself over and pointed straight down at the bomber. With a grin she disengaged the afterburners and screamed towards the bomber, her speedometer shooting up. She flicked the cover on the missile trigger and armed the missiles, placing her finger gently on the trigger, ready to fire them. Duchess screamed towards the Holy Albatross, shuddering under the speed. It wasn't exactly designed to fly at such speeds but Izzy had faith in the old girl "Just a little longer..." she whispered, now only about 250m above the bomber and closing fast. At 100m she squeezed the trigger on the stick and launched two of the four missiles before pulling hard on the stick and just narrowly missing the trailing edge of the Albatross' wings, slowly leveling off of her dive. Not bad for an old biplane.