Hello peoples of the guild. I'm [color=0099cc]Desert[/color] [color=9999ff]Ghost[/color]. Most people just call me [color=ccccff]Ghost[/color]. Nothing fancy about me. Just a [color=ffff00]deaf[/color], super pale [color=ffcc99]25 year old[/color] woman in the desert. Yes, I really am deaf. No, there is no way to prove it. You'll just have to take my word. I haven't really role played in [color=00cc00]5-6 years[/color]. Life kind of got out of hand. Things are settling down now and I'd like to get my [color=ff66cc]creative juices[/color] flowing again. [center][color=9900CC][b][u]Standards[/u][/b][/color] [color=d24dff]I float somewhere between casual and advanced. Usually 1-2 paragraphs, more if I'm inspired. I expect the same.[/color] [color=d966ff]One-liners will get dropped like a bad habit. [/color] [color=df80ff]I can role play pretty much anything if I know the background.[/color] [color=e699ff]Usually stick to MxF or FxF pairings. I won't do MxM. [/color] [color=ecb3ff]I can play either a male or female but [i]prefer[/i] sticking to my own gender.[/color] [color=f2ccff]I don't mind swearing, action, or mature content.[/color] [color=f9e5ff]Gore is the only thing I won't deal with. If it turns my stomach to read it, I won't.[/color] [color=CC0000][b][u]Things I WON'T do[/u][/b][/color] [color=FF1A1A]Anime - Don't watch it so won't play it[/color] [color=FF3333]Online Comics - Unless it comes from SNAFU I don't know what it is[/color] [color=FF4D4D]Canon Characters in Fandoms - I can't gel with a character I haven't created[/color] [/center] Basically anything is an option. Just talk to me about it. Ask if I'm interested and give details. I'm not much of one for a big fancy plot. I just go by the seat of the pants and let the chips fall where they may. I prefer to see the characters develop rather than stick to a story line.