[quote=@mdk] [b]FINISH IT!!!![/b] This is absolutely vital to your progress as a writer. See the plotholes, the poorly written scenes, the stupid chapters, the inconsistent characters -- know that they are there -= [b]and finish anyway.[/b] You will [b]always[/b] want to go back and edit what you've got so far -- the bigger the project, the stronger the urge. RESIST. Just keep on going. [/quote] Well, it's not that there's plotholes and stuff. I know that's normal in a first draft. But this abomination doesn't even have a theme! I started writing it without the slightest idea of a plot, and continuing it while knowing that I'll completely rewrite it with an outline and character sheets and location sheets and full worldbuilding done from scratch just makes it seem like a waste of time. I'm very proud I've gotten up to 29.5k words, I never imagined I'd ever be able to even get close to that number, so I'm pretty satisfied with this year's NaNoWriMo.