[centre][h2][color=9966CC]Wakahisa Mio[/color] [b]&[/b] [color=pink]Wakahisa Tamiko[/color][/h2] [hr] [h3][color=9966CC]Wakahisa Mio :: February 1st :: 6:41AM :: Mio’s Room, Girl’s Dormitories[/color][/h3] [b][color=9966CC]A[/color][/b]s the sun began to gather the courage to finally peek over the horizon, an [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iNpXCzaWW1s]alarm began to chirp[/url], piercing through the thick silence of the surprisingly neat, yet sparsely decorated dorm room. From underneath layers upon layers of blankets shoots a long, lanky arm. It deftly finds small black alarm clock and taps the top button. Five minutes pass before the alarm strikes back, louder than before. A groan errupts from underneath the covers moments before they’re launched into the air, revealing a pale girl with a wild black mane, now sitting up in the bed. She quickly lunges for the source of the agonizing chirp and kills the sound. As she does this, part of her dark locks fall in front of her face. The girl doesn’t seem too pleased with this. She blows a puff of hair upwards, managing only a pitiful wave of the finicky follicles. Another groan escapes her, though it quickly morphs into a yawn. She pushes a hand upwards in front of her face, grabbing the rebellious locks and pushing them back along with the rest of her hair before she stretches out both of her arms and getting a good after-sleep stretch in. It felt great. She debates whether or not to lie back down for just another moment or two, promising herself that she’d definitely get up. It almost works, but the girl has fallen for that little lie one too many times. She glances over at her clock, squinting her eyes to try to make out the numbers. It is initially nothing more than a green, fuzzy blob, but she eventually makes out some numbers. It reads six forty-one. As if on cue, the sun decided it was finally time for its grand entrance. Beams of light penetrate the darkness of the room, reflecting off the barren white walls and making a beeline right into her sensitive eyes. She mutters a curse before snapping a hand over her eyes to block out the harsh sunlight. Showy bastard. She turns her focus from the sun’s obnoxious plea for attention to her nightstand. Beside the black and green blob is a faintly red blob. Perfect. Just the blob she was looking for. She swoops it up and swiftly dons her glances. [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=phI7-xQAKCc]Wakahisa Mio[/url] inhales deeply before shifting her legs over the side of the bed and getting to her feet. She yawns once more as she studies her room. Bare walls and hardly a single belonging out of place. There is desk with a laptop and a few notebooks neatly stacked upon one another. There is also her bookshelf. It is completely full, with the books arranged according to genre, author, then book title. A smile finds its way across the girl’s face. She crosses the room and spends a few moments just gazing. Unconsciously, Mio reaches out and traces the spine of one of the tomes on the top shelf. She’s only stirred from her trance by another chirping, this one considerably more pleasant than her sleepslayer. Upon her windowsill is a [url=https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/d/da/Alauda_arvensis_japonica_in_field.JPG/800px-Alauda_arvensis_japonica_in_field.JPG]beautiful small bird[/url] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rBp1Q_bHe0Y]singing away.[/url] The way it’s brown and black feathers overlap reminds Mio of a tiger. It hops across the windowsill, catching its reflection in the window. The bird is at once frightened, overjoyed, curious, and confused. Does it know that it is staring at itself? Mio couldn’t say for sure. But by the way it seems so entranced by the reflection, she would wager that it likes what it sees. She laughs quietly, not wanting to startle her guest. What a vain bird...she couldn’t help but feel sorry for it. Here it is falling in love with...well, itself. The bird eventually tires of the handsome doppelganger and plunges off the windowsill before taking flight to parts unknown. Mio sighs, envying the creature. What she would give to be able to just soar free... But now wasn’t the time to stand around daydreaming, nor would it be appropriate to admire one’s own book collection. She had to get ready. There was a big day ahead of her. Oh yes. She crossed to her closet and grabbed a uniform off a hanger. A white long-sleeved blouse, a green skirt, and an adorable black bow. Closing the door, Mio caught sight of herself in the one of the few other additions to her room: a full length mirror hanging on her closet door. She looked quite the mess, what with her hair seemingly running off in all directions. Her glasses were askew, so she promptly adjusted them. With that finished, she moved over to her dresser and removed her daily delicates and a towel. A warm shower would be the perfect way to start the day. [hr] [h3][color=pink]Wakahisa Tamiko :: February 1st :: 7:00AM :: Tamiko’s Room, Girl’s Dormitories[/color][/h3] [b][color=pink]A[/color][/b]bout the time Mio was stepping into the shower, another Wakahisa girl stirred from her sleep. There was no alarm to rouse this one. At least not at this hour. Still, the pink covers began to take odd shapes and the girl tossed and turned in her waking state. Resisting it with everything in her power, yet too powerless to stop it, Wakahisa Tamiko’s eyes opened, pushing away the last remaining bits of sleep. She pulled herself up and removed the covers, allowing a yawn to pass through. The sun had just broken through her window. It was breathtakingly beautiful. [url=http://youtubeloop.net/watch?v=IcYJHojTsFg]Tamiko smiled from ear to ear[/url] and got to her feet. Already there were clothes and notebooks and whatnot strewn across the floor, but Tamiko traversed the minefield with the grace of swan. She come to her window and opened it up, embracing the slight chill that rushed forth to caress her. A small brown and black bird swooped down by her window, chirping pleasantly. Tamiko had a small start at this, but she laughed it off soon after. She inhaled deeply. The fresh air filled her lungs to their capacity, though she began to cough. Quietly at first, but she did eventually get going. Once it finally subsided, Tamiko wiped her mouth with the back of her arm, clearing the spittle and whatnot. It wasn’t a pleasant way to start the morning, but it was what it was. She had gotten a bit too greedy. Normally the air at the school didn’t get to her. Quite the opposite, actually. It was so very clean, so very fresh. She loved it. Still, everything in moderation. Tamiko sighed, but closed the window nonetheless. Or at least, she started to. But she couldn’t. She had caught sight of the sun, early on its climb over the horizon. Tamiko sighed once more and leaned back out the window, resting her chin upon her hand. The milky clouds took on an orangish tint and seemingly popped out against the pure blue sky. Crimson and red seemed to be more prevalent off to either side, and orange was indeed the vast majority of it but...right in the center, right by the sun, the sky seemed to be alive, whipping to and fro like the flames of a mighty fire. The beautiful yellow drew her eye, commanding her to watch its graceful dance. And so she did, staring off into the distance for...well, truth be known, she had lost track of time by that point. Still, all things eventually came to an end. As much as Tamiko did enjoy the cool air, especially when it rescued her from the oven that was her dorm, even she had to admit that the chill was a little much at times. She gave in, closing the window and turned to the rest of her room. Her walls were beige, rather than white. She had curtains drawn up for the windows. Upon the walls were posters after posters after pictures of friends and family after even more posters. Her favorite bands, her favorite shows and movies, her favorite places. Why, one need only glance into the girl’s room to know most everything about her. Still, she liked it. It was nice and cozy. She too had a bookcase, yet it wasn’t even remotely as full. There were a full shelves with a respectable amount of books, but random junk took up the rest of the space. Off in the corner, by her desk, sat two guitar stands. The old Taylor stood mighty and proud in one of the stands, showing off its bumps and dings and scratches, all battlescars of the valiant war on boredom. Next to it, also residing on a stand, was a pink electric bass from some generic guitar manufacturer. Still, it had a nice sound and it came from someone very dear to her, so it had earned its spot. Next to it, however, was an assortment of amps, pedals, even a mic or two. Her organization truly left a lot to be desired. Even the top of her desk looked as if some sort of miniature typhoon had rampaged through, tossing her belongings every which way. Another yawn escaped the girl. She had been too excited the night before. She could hardly sleep. She spent most of the night just fantasizing how today would go. Obviously she must have eventually dozed off, but she couldn’t say how long that had lasted. All she did know was that she was up much earlier than normal. And while she had felt wired just moments before, she now earnestly believed that she might keel over at any point. Still, the girl gathered some undergarments from her dresser, and blindly reached into her closet to fetch the closest uniform. She had felt a shower calling her name as well. Though as she began to head in that direction, her stomach chimed in. Obviously, there was another stop that would have to be made ASAP. But first, time to get less...icky. [hr] [h3][color=9966CC]Wakahisa Mio[/color] [b]&[/b] [color=pink]Wakahisa Tamiko[/color] :: February 1st :: 7:17AM :: Elevator, Girl’s Dormitory[/h3] [b]W[/b]hile Mio may have entered her shower first, she was also known to take disgustingly long showers. As such, the girls found themselves leaving their respective washrooms fresh and ready for the day about the same time. While one had spent quite a lot of time and energy in looking her best, the other opted for a more natural approach to things. Both decided to forgo a healthy jog down the stairs in favor of the good ol’ elevator. It hit Mio’s floor first, and the girl got onto the empty box. Then it went down a floor. As the doors opened, Mio’s face lit up as Tamiko’s shoulders dropped. Not to say that Tamiko didn’t like seeing her sister. Quite the contrary. But she didn’t want to see her this early. It was nothing personal it was just...well… This morning was going to be an opening ceremony in place of the first class, or at least part of it. Tamiko had planned on ditching most of the speech, maybe even find a spot to nap awhile, but now that Mio had spotted her...well, getting out of her sight was easier said than done. Her sister, when she put her mind to something, was a very, VERY hard tail to shake. [color=pink]“Good morning N-uhf!”[/color] Tamiko started to greet her big sister, but Mio was having none of that. She pulled her little sister in a hug. Having more than a couple centimeters and kilos on her, Mio felt little resistance. Not that Tamiko would have tried anyway. Mio gave the best hugs. And she was downright terrifying when disobeyed so...Tamiko gulped. [color=9966CC]“Oh my little Tamiko! Look at you, already up and dressed. My little girl’s growing up. Or the world’s ending.”[/color] Mio teased, even adding in a false sniffle there at the end. ...well, mostly false. She punched a button on the elevator and the doors snapped closed. [color=pink]“Pff, sure, laugh it up. Wanna grab breakfast? I’m staaaarving over here!”[/color] Tamiko only half-jokingly whined. She really was rather hungry. Her appetite seemed to be hit or miss lately and right now it seemed as if it wanted to knock one out of the park. Mio loved seeing those days. She agreed at once, and the sisters spent the rest of the elevator ride and trip to the cafeteria chatting away over everything and nothing. Tamiko lagged behind only briefly when she stopped to wave at a gal wheeling along on her way to the main building. What could she say? The tomboy look worked on her. But Mio was having none of that and abruptly grabbed her sister by the arm and practically dragged her away. Tamiko didn't mind. Her sister was just a bit...clingy? It’s not like they hadn’t seen in each lately. If nothing else, they usually managed to catch meals together. And with classes out, a lot of the time was devoted to sisterly bonding. Though club responsibilities often pulled Mio’s attention away. Tamiko didn’t mind. She rather enjoyed seeing her sister have a life outside of...well, her. ... [hr] [h3][color=9966CC]Wakahisa Mio[/color] [b]&[/b] [color=pink]Wakahisa Tamiko[/color] :: February 1st :: 7:17AM :: Cafeteria[/h3] [b]T[/b]here wasn’t much of a line at the cafeteria by the time the girls got there. It had only just opened and, well, some students really enjoyed their beauty sleep. Tamiko was one of such, but well, things change? … Tamiko swore under her breath. Mio turned to her, but either didn’t catch what she said, or did and just didn’t know what she was referring to. Tamiko, however, was mourning herself on in the inside. She had forgotten to turn off the alarm on her clock before she stepped out. It had been set to give her just enough time to change clothes, take a quick, quick shower, and run to the first class. It was a contingency plan set up by Mio against Tamiko’s protest. Still, she had to admit it had saved her a couple times. But now… come alarm time, she wouldn’t be around to stop it. If anybody was still sleeping in their rooms...well, they probably wouldn’t be after that. What they would be doing is plotting the death of one Wakahisa Tamiko for crimes including, yet not limited to BUZZ-BUZZ-BUZZ! The girls eventually got their breakfast, the standard for Mio and nothing more than some toast, a couple apples, a banana, and an orange for Tamiko. She might be starving, but she knew her stomach would be...pretty picky. As Mio ate her food, and Tamiko merely poked at hers, her appetite having boarded the one-way trip to Gonecity, the younger sister looked up at her older and studied her face for a moment. [color=9966CC]“What, see something you like?”[/color] Mio finally said when she noticed. Tamiko rolled her eyes while laughing. She returned to her food before speaking up again a few moments later. [color=pink]“So...are you excited for today? Do you know what class you’re going to be in? ...do you know what class I’m going to be in?”[/color] A mischievous twinkle shined in Mio’s eyes, but she was careful not to return Tamiko’s gaze. [color=9966CC]“Mmm...maybe. What’s it to you?”[/color] she replied with a smirk. Tamiko laughed and shook her head. It was times like these that made Tamiko believe her sister was running some sort of underground criminal ring. [color=pink]“Hmm...Apple for your thoughts, milady?”[/color] Tamiko teased, donning her most ludicrously over-the-top posh accent. Mio laughed before taking the apple and offering an exaggerated seated curtsy. She returned in her own posh accent. [color=9966CC]“Why thank you, my dearest sister. I do believe that you’ll find what you seek at the morning assembly. Which you WILL be attending.”[/color] Her eyes narrowed and Tamiko felt her cheeks burning. She was busted...before she had even committed her crime. [color=pink]“Hahaha...so I’m that predictable, eh”[/color] she asked, not without a slight tinge of disappointment coating the words. Mio giggled and shrugged. [color=9966CC]“Eh, just call it Sisters’ Intuition. But since I was right, you’re not leaving my sight for a minute, girlie. Not until after you’ve endured every single word that the Headmaster utters today. You hear me? EVERY. SINGLE. WORD.”[/color] Ouch. [color=pink]“You’re so cruel, Nee-tan…”[/color] whined Tamiko who pushed her tray forward and lay her head on the table. [color=pink]“You’ve killed me! Death by Nee-tan~”[/color] she cried some more. This time it was Mio’s turn to roll her eyes. Tamiko caught it and started laughing and she sat back up and played with her food some more. By now the cafeteria was starting to fill up as more and more people finally pulled themselves from slumber and trudged down to get a warm meal in their bellies. To tell the truth, Tamiko was a little bit more than just excited: she was ecstatic. She couldn’t wait to find out what she’d be doing this year. Or rather, who she’d get to meet. What kind of people her teachers and classmates would be. What kind of stories they would tell. What kind of music they’d make. As the sisters returned to eating in relative silence, Tamiko’s head kept swimming with these questions and many more. But she’d find out soon enough. [hr] [/centre]