[center][h3]Zephyr Quix[/h3] [b]Main Theme: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uTJziwsA2jA]Psycho Motion[/url][/b] [b]Current Theme: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lP8_EeAsqX0]Even If It’s Your Happiness[/url][/b][/center] Why on earth is she content with being tortured? Where a childish grin was usually stretched widely was only a solemn expression. His gaze darted over to the container of water, then back at the girl, already outfitted as if she was about to be interrogated. Which, hopefully, would be an experience she would never have to go through in the future. Amy was a bright girl, albeit a bit on the taciturn side, Zephyr could sense a percipient mind under that blond hair. He was about to pour out the contents of the keg when Izumi-sensei suddenly barked at all of them. The boy instantly froze, the jar halfway from spilling the water inside, his slim arms barely meager to support the container’s weight. A sigh of relief and freeing sensation overcame him as the senpais began to unbind his classmates. He simultaneously fell to the floor with the keg, making sure to not spill any of the water inside, taking a moment to catch his breath. [color=#FF004F]”That was way too close of a call.”[/color] Then, a bright red suddenly traversed the distance between one cheek to the other, effortlessly crossing over the bridge of his nose. [color=#FF004F][i]”Just, promise me when I’m punished, which will probably be a lot, you’ll always be there as my arbiter- WHAT THE HELL AM I, AN ANIME PROTAGONIST!?”[/i][/color] The boy internally berated himself and began to roll around on the wooden floor, obviously drawing the gazes of a few of his classmates. But, at least Izumi-sensei let them off easy. The boy finished his criticizing session and set himself up, then glanced up at his friend. [color=#FF004F]”...Let’s go to lunch. I’m starting. Oh, what’cha fancy more? Tea or coffee?”[/color] Already, the boy fell back into his usual demeanor. Happiness and ebullience began to radiate from his formal attire, along with that gleaming smile and unkempt hair. A certain few students had been specifically discern from the main flock by their teacher and were ordered to stay behind. Zeph didn’t want to stay another second in that classroom and unconsciously took the girl by the hand then led her out through the door they had just entered a couple of minutes ago. He followed the flow of classmates, even though there were only a sparse few given the class’ overall size, it was easy to narrow down the location of the lunchroom. The place was packed, as expected of the only source of food for rumbling stomachs, but by some struck of luck he had managed to find an empty table. Following etiquette drilled into his skull over the years, he first pulled out a chair for Amy then for himself, and took a seat while letting the air out of his lungs. [color=#FF004F]”Jeeze, I’m beat.”[/color] The boy loosened up his figure, which had been somewhat apprehensive after that whole shebang. He leaned back in his chair and glanced out the window, rays of light gently caressed his face. Zeph, the kid known for never being able to stay in one place, was stagnate for once in his life. Almost melancholic, even. He then turned to face the European and smiled, [color=#FF004F]”It’s only going to get harder from here on out. I’m not sure what the future holds, but there’ll surely be nothing easy to overcome in our paths. So, you got my back?”[/color] The boy stretched out a hand. It was small for his age, consisting of delicate phalanges and a complimentary palm. He still had his iconic smile on his face. A part of his mind, only a very minute portion, was also wondering what his other classmates were like. Surely there were more arriving late. But he didn’t want to ruin the moment by abruptly changing the subject. [@liferusher]