Jiro woke to the sound of his alarm. A arm appears a red out of the lump of blankets as He search for the clock with his hand and eventually knock it over. He gave a loud groan and then slowly got out of bed to turn it off. He placed it where it original was on his nightstand and gave a yawn.[color=ed1c24][i] "Sigh the first day at school, yippy,"[/i] [/color]he thought to himself. There were still unpacked boxes sitting in the corner of his apartment, most of them still full, and in one of thoughts lovely boxes was his school uniform. He groan missing American's dress code that they didn't have and walked to the boxes still a bit groggy. Lucky for him his uniform happened to be in the first box so he was able to minimize the mess he would make. After he found it, he was reluctant to put the uniform on, so he stalled some time by making himself some fried eggs and toast. He poured some water after he ate and downed his pills for the morning. Finally he got up and got dressed for school. He packed up his bag and walk outside, locking the door on his way out, leaving a small mess behind him that he would clean up to a later date. It was nice that his apartment was in the middle of everything, so to speak. It was a little longer walk to school than he wish but it was also the same length to get to the grocery store, where he worked, and even short if he walk there from school. [hider=Jiro's apartment.]His room is about 700 said feet excluding the bathroom. It has a queens size bed at the back wall right corner, which above it is a window. There's a small table in the center and a small cooking area on the left wall toward the front of the room, which would be generous to call it a kitchen. It has a two small burner, a small fridge, a microwave, and a small sink. In the center of the right Wall is a medium sized desk with a tv on the side with a limited edition Zelda Windwaker gamecube unopened from the box pushed in the back in one of the 2 doorless Cupboard. In the front of both of the cupboards are jam packed full of books. Next to the able is his nightstand where a book he's currently reading and his clock is located. About 5 boxes in the bottom right hand corner sit there unopened except for 1 which is filled with books. He was able to persuaded the manager to replace the door, which the lock to it was broken, with a curtain making it less dangerous for him if he happened to have a seizure. Though it is big it is still a fairly tight squeeze.[/hider] As he walk he started to pass students that were on there way to school so he had a good hunch he was going the right way. Though he started to get uncomfortable when it seemed every student he passed noticed his hair and occasional his scar and started to stare and whisper behind his back. He he turned his head around the students would turn there heads away from him and each other acting like there not staring. He felt like he was walking around naked, though he is familiar with this feeling, it's just been a long time since the kids in America got use to his look after a while. He arrived at the gates with most students still eyes on him. He walked through and took a look around the courtyard trying to get his bearings on where his class is and where everyone is going. He reached into his pocket looking for a paper that had his class number and other necessary information on it. [color=ed1c24]"Dame it,"[/color] he mumbled as he remembered leaving it on the table. So he stood there looking around, scratching his head, trying to find someone who might know where he could get the information from. He approached a girl that was walking past him and when he was about to ask she sped up and avoided him like he would bite. He tried a few more times but it seemed like most students were either afraid of him, or just plain out ignored him. Lost and disappointed he took a seat on a bench, in the middle of the courtyard, next to the fountain, sticking out like a sore thumb. People began going on with there own business but they still avoided him creating what look like a literal personal space bubble that no-one should, or wanted to enter.