I'd be interested in doing a roleplay with you. I'm trying to get back into the swing of things myself. I usually write between 2-4 paragraphs per normal post and prefer mxf pairings. What kind of themes or topics do you prefer? I have a few ideas that have been floating around in my head. -Fallout 4 based pairing (or anything post apocalyptic, doesn't have to be Fallout based if you aren't familiar with the series). -WW2 based historical theme. I'm thinking of something along the lines of spies gathering information on the Nazis or something along those lines. -An adventure type roleplay where two people get stranded in a forest or on an island together and have to find a way to survive and live with each other. Let me know if you are interested. I can adapt those to anything really. I'd also love to hear what ideas you have or are interested in. And if you don't care for any of those, no big deal!