A light beat played in the background of Kiyoshi's mind as he slowly woke up and his eyes began to flutter open. Where was that sound coming from? [i]"...Ah, the speakers."[/i] Looking over he saw one of several speakers that adorned his room, this one was specifically on his night stand, his phone attached to it via auxiliary cable. The song protruding from it was [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0VAF-4Er7_A]Riders on the Storm[/url] not the original, but still just as good. Picking up the phone and quickly pressing a button, the screen lit up causing Kiyoshi to squint his eyes as he looked at the time; just after 6. Pressing the lock button again on his phone, he rubbed his eyes and returned his attention back to the ceiling, much darker now since the light assaulted his eyes. Allowing the music to fill his mind, he went over the day's itinerary. [i]"First day back to class...haven't received the roster yet...I think we're supposed to be getting those at this morning's assembly...yea, like I'm really going to that."[/i] Yawning he slowly propped his body upward, running a hand through his shaggy brown hair and clicked on the lamp next to him. Squinting from the second assault, he allowed his eyes to adjust this time as he scanned his room. Kiyoshi's room was always fairly neat and organized, clothing put away, carpet cleaned, furniture dusted, even the posters hanging on the wall felt 'neat'. Only one spot in his room contrasted this almost oppressive order; his desk. Sitting atop it was his computer monitor and dozens of other technological bits and bobs, including, but not limited to, circuit boards, wires, casings, screws, tools and a soldering tool he really should have put away last night. Among this mess also laid papers, both homework and music sheets, a few empty cans, and a box of mostly finished pizza. Next to this mess of a desk sat his PC tower, his keyboard, set up next to the desk at a 90 degree angle and his guitar gently resting in its stand. Pulling the covers off of himself, Kiyoshi made his way over to his closet to start gathering his school clothing and prepping himself for the day. Next was the restroom, in the shower he could take as much time as he needed in order to think, think on what exactly? Everything and Anything, but there were some pretty important matters to deal with, such as, how was he going to get his class roster without attending the morning assembly. He made his way into the showers, starting up the water and allowing the steaming heat to run down his back as Kiyoshi's eyes closed and his thoughts began to gear up. [i]"Now how can I get a hold of that roster? I doubt the principal himself would be handing them out and I doubt he'd want the staff to deal with tedious work like that...that just leaves the student council."[/i] If there was one thing he learned about school, the staff always gives the student council the crap paperwork that they don't want to deal with, meaning, they're probably tasked with handing out the class rosters towards the end of the ceremony. [i]"hm...Takuma is on the council...maybe I can convince him to give it to me somehow...probably not, but its better than nothing, I already tried faking being deaf last year and that didn't go over so well..."[/i] Kiyoshi opened his eyes, Takuma's room was just a few doors down the hall from his own, perhaps after his shower he'd pay him a visit.