"Um, yes, I still have everything I bought in Leyawiin. One moment." Pieter answered, leaning over to open the bag next to his chair. It took a minute of scrounging through everything he had packed into it in order to actually uncover the deck of cards. He laid it down on the table between them, then paused to take a drink of his brandy. Though, as he was about to set it down, he looked at the bottle briefly, which inspired him with an idea. Pieter placed down the bottle in the center of the table alongside the cards. “Here’s an idea. It’s only one bottle, but to make things interesting, maybe we could play for drinks?” He suggested. Mostly, he just wanted to see if Tzirret could acquire a taste for it, and he [i]was[/i] rather bad at bluffing… Meesei crossed her arms and looked at Gallus with some concern. “Be cautious, Gallus. It may not be skooma, but moon sugar is still nothing to be trifled with. It will affect you more greatly than a Khajiit, even if it is more akin to a spice in its raw form. Granted, it will be difficult for us all to avoid it while we are in Elsweyr, but do not allow your mind to be compromised by it.” She cautioned him. Meesei would have to keep a close eye on the others, or even herself, if moon sugar made its way into their diet, but for the moment, they just needed to pass the time. Kaleeth, Janius, Ahnasha, and Fendros were all at the table with her, so she decided to at least make some conversation. “So, has everything been well with Rhazii and Newt?”