[centre][b][u]Username:[/u][/b] SeaFoamDaisies [b][u]Name:[/u][/b] Lamiya [colour=salmon]"That's Miya to you"[/colour] [b][u]Age:[/u][/b] 18 [u][b]Gender:[/b][/u] Female [u][b]Country of Origin:[/b][/u] Egypt [u][b]Role: [/b][/u] Storm guardian in training/Full time waitress [u][b]Flame:[/b][/u] Storm [u][b]Weapon/Fighting Style: [/b][/u] Miya has a pair of brass knuckles that she got as a gift from her uncle. She uses them occasionally. [u][b]Appearance[/b][/u]: [i][b]Present [/b][/i] [img]http://i.imgur.com/b60HYQI.jpg[/img] [i][b]Ten years from now[/b][/i] [hider] [img]http://i.imgur.com/sW6JF61.jpg[/img][/hider] [u][b]Personality:[/b][/u] Miya remains devoted to the people she becomes close with. Although some may find her dutiful commitment forced, it comes as second nature to Miya. She finds it unthinkable to turn her back on those dear to her and will go as far as possible to be of use to them. Although she is self-preserving when it comes to strangers and the like, she becomes quite selfless for those she really cares about. Miya is determined and will not change her mind once she takes a decision. Her headstrong nature allows her to pursue tasks to completion despite all obstacles.However, it also means that she can be foolishly stubborn at times, not agreeing to things simply because she has made up her mind not to do so. When she is being stubborn, there are few who can coax her to listen to the voice of reason. Miya is a go-getter. She knows how to influence people and their opinions to get what she wants.Her assertive nature allows her to lead in several situations or remain within her comfort zone in others. Miya takes decisions right off the bat. New hobbies are adopted in a blink of an eye only to be disowned days later. Her rash nature has gotten her into trouble several times.Despite the consequences, Miya is unwilling to part with her impulsiveness. She prefers to go with her gut and take chances wherever and whenever she feels like it. Miya cycles between different moods faster than you can blink. She can be completely calm one second and absolutely frustrated the next.She is rather hot-headed as well. She is know for not taking offensive gestures or comments by others lightly.What starts with a heated argument with Miya can quickly aggregate into a fist fight - [i]or worse[/i].There is little Miya believes in. She rolls her eyes at practically everything: the news on the t.v, the rumors exchanged by her parents and the gossip between her friends. She questions everything. Usually however, her skepticisms are internal. History has taught her more than once to keep her cynical opinions to herself. [u][b]History: [/b][/u] Miya was born in her own country where her father worked as a simple businessman. She belonged to a small family of three, with no siblings. There she lived a rather lukewarm life, one that left her with not much besides a few foggy memories of loving daycare workers and warm weekends spent on the beach. When Miya was 12, her father moved to England when promised with better job opportunities abroad. Business flourished; and Miya soon found herself shifting homes, as well as continents. Given her outspoken personality, she found no trouble making friends and soon she found herself used to the way of life in Goldcrest. With the expanding family business came expanding expectations for Miya. She was often pressurized to excel in her studies, at sports and whatever else her father deemed a necessary prerequisite for being the heir to his business. Her mother, being a meek woman, could not do much to lighten Miya's burden. Miya did not mind these expectations at first- good grades came to her naturally and she loved sports. However, running her father's business was not what she wanted to do with her life. After finishing 12th grade, she decided to pause her studies temporarily. Although this infuriated her father, he could do little to change her mind.The two came to an understanding eventually: Miya was to take no more than a year off, after which she had to join a university of her choosing. Her aunt, Sara, was transiently married, till her husband passed away in a strange accident. Miya's uncle was a social butterfly; and his vast number of dear friends spelled out support for his wife after his death. Sara lived alone in her mansion while Miya was constantly bothered at home. Since both needed an escape from their living conditions,everyone agreed to them living together. Miya works as a waitress at a nearby bistro to make some money. She plans on getting a ride of her own soon.Although she lives with her widowed aunt, she often visits her parents on fortnights. Her current interests include IT and toxicology. [u][b]Quirk: [/b][/u] Has a pressed flowers collection for which she regularly searches for new flowers. Also collects marbles. [u][b]Overview:[/b][/u] [colour=Salmon]What, you looking for a fight?[/colour] Miya is a headstrong athletic girl who is not afraid to speak her mind when the need arises. Her hot-headed nature makes her appear rather belligerent and a fight or two every week is not uncommon for her.She remains loyal to those important to her indefinitely. [/centre]