This is a different type of RP. Perhaps it isn't even a role play, perhaps it is. I'll let you decide. Dreams comes to us but we are subject to what ever they may toss at us. They are influenced by our lives, our feelings, the good and the bad. They even play off our rp's. Everything weaves together to form these scenarios and there is nothing to stop them besides the quick wake. Many times they are quickly forgotten but others are seared into our minds and we can't get them out. Others we scribble down quickly because we don't want to forget. This is a place for dreams. Dreams you have had, dreams of your characters, dreams you wished you would have or could return to. There is no need to apply, there is no need for a character sheet. Jump in or jump out. Make this an on going thing or a one time post. Flood the topic with dream after dream or just read. All I ask is to remember you will not be interacting with others in this. Your dreams are locked within your own mind and soul. Do you dare let the world know the darkest parts of your mind? I will. Care to join me?