Ok, so to the group in the mountains, something big is about to happen. As you play this out, please do not jump too far ahead in your post (something like, they grab the stone and run out of the cave). It's going to be a bit more complicated than that. Right now, we have [@Belwicket] who is playing the halfling, Regina, which last we left the scene, was about to try and get the artifact. [@KazeXDZ], Siegfried, who heard newcomers traveling into the cave, he traveled back towards the entrance, bumbling into Isabeau, Robert, Durin, and Kayleth. Upon leading them back to the rest of the group, he made a wrong turn, and ended up finding the evil dragon. With hopes of not waking him, they quickly made off in the right direction this time, successfully joining the rest of the group. [@Lucius Cypher] as Orchid, our lovely half orc, who handed Regina a piece of rope to acquire the artifact. [@RokkuHoshi], a new player to the rp, who is playing Gil, the half elf, and Lonmil, the gnome. They followed the tracks up into the cave, and came upon Siegfried, Regina and Orchid as they were thinking out/planning out how to retrieve the artifact. [@boomlover], as Robert, who followed Isabeau due to his suspicions and mistrust of her. While still in town, just before the attack, he felt a presence around him, as if someone, something was watching him. [@Dragoknighte], as Durin the dwarf and Kayleth, the elven healer. They followed Isabeau and Robert, keeping up the rear. I hope I didn't miss anyone. If anyone wants to collaborate, or needs help coming up with a post, please let me know. You'll find this particular post that you'll all expand on [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3145223]here[/url] And to make things much less confusing, I will be taking a much more active role and controlling this dragon. So please avoid acting on behalf of the dragons in your post