[center][h1][b][color=yellowgreen]"We put the C in Capitalism!"[/color][/b][/h1][/center] [center][color=yellowgreen]~Corporate troubles in a super powered future[/color][/center] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/1Ha6PPJ.jpg?1[/img][/center] [center][b]America 2033.[/b][/center] The world has changed, more than it ever has before. Except for when the all the continents tore themselves off from the mainland, and also the Dinosaurs all died that one time. But it's still pretty close, because just like the Dinosaurs, a giant meteor came crashing down and changed the whole pecking order. The meteor carried with it a new substance unknown to man, which dispersed in the atmosphere and gave hundeds of thousands of people powers. In the midst of the ensuing chaos, the first to take action was not the government. It was Corporations instead and they quickly rose to power. Suddenly all of the 'Gnu man inc.'-s and the 'Hahahah Group'-s literally became fueled by cosmic space powers, so obviously a struggle ensued. But as was the way of the world, the smaller companies were eventually trumped and absorbed by the bigger companies which in turn grew unimaginably huge. Not just large either, [b]huge.[/b] How huge you ask? Well, one of them actually had enough bank to buy Russia. And they did. There had to be a new term coined for that, so from that day on the [b]Alkaev Conglomerate[/b] was crowned the world's first giga-corporation, and also as the new rulers of Russia. "Hey!" I hear you ask. "I thought you said America 2033, not Russia 2033!". I'm getting to that, so don't you worry. Some people said that these corporations would've eventually gotten this big even without the meteor coming down and changing things. So kind of like, again with, the Dinosaurs' extinction apparently being half changing-climate with the meteor sealing the deal; the Corporations were already sort of half way in control with the meteor just sealing the deal. So yeah, most of the countries in the world became simply a collection of big corporations, except for Australia. Because no one cares about Australia. America was one of the only major countries who managed to avoid total corporate control. They managed to get a morally sound president who didn't give in to bribes which is all the Corporations in America ended up trying for a while before they wised up, but by that time the president had already read up on all the tactics. The Corporations ended up stepping off however, as they figured out that coming into the giga-corporation business this late was probably going to be a bad move considering every other giga-corporation had a massive head start on them. Now America has entered what would probably be termed a Corporate Stalemate, where none of the corporations can really do anything without amassing more power but none of them are clearly bigger than any other corporation and they probably won't be able to make a move without getting someone else trying to double-team you. Kind of sort of like if T-Rexes were fighting each other, except there's only 9 or 10 of them and there's no other food, except the 8 or so Mosasauruses down in the beach somewhere, but they definitely wouldn't be able to take those. Basically, it's all a big mess. But that my friends, is what Corporate Troubles are in a Super Powered Future. [hr] [center][h2]Question Time[/h2][/center] [b]Q: So what the actual heck is this?[/b] First thing's first, I'll tell you what it's not. Despite how it sounds this is not actually a Military or Nation RP or anything. You could control a Corporation if you want to, but you could also just be part of one if you want, or even a normal citizen just trying to get by. There's going to be a plot and I'm going to try to get everyone involved in it so don't worry if you don't think you can do Military stuff, just make a character you want to play. [b]Q: Is this all of it?[/b] No, I have a bunch of stuff that I haven't put down here. I'll have to do it when I have time. [b]Q: Why does a lot of this sound weird?[/b] Mostly because I'm supposed to be sleeping right now, although I'm not sure it would've been much different if I was supposed to be awake. But that's also from the perspective of me when I'm supposed to be asleep, so ???? [b]Q: What are you, casul?[/b] I say casual, but honestly I'm not going to put a limit on post size, it can be as long or as short as anyone wants. I just want to keep this rolling for a while. [b]Q: When are you doing the rest of it?[/b] Probably tomorrow if I have time, or the day after. [hr] [center][h2]Faction Time![/h2][/center] These are simply all of the factions that I've come up with so far. There are several holes to fill world-wise that don't really matter because this is all focused on America. If you want to make your own corporation I'll list it here. [b]The rest of the world:[/b] [hider=Alkaev Conglomerate] [b][u]History:[/u][/b] Started in the 1950s by one Peter Alkaev, the Alkaev Conglomerate had never been that large during its inception. In the early 2000s they started to grow exponentially, taking over several businesses and expanding themselves in all possible sectors of industry. Business analysts said they would need a big push from something, however, as their position was rather tenuous being not the best in anything but having everything regardless. The most successful businesses always had a monopoly on something, while the Alkaev Conglomerate had nothing. But when the meteor came crashing down to earth, the Alkaev Conglomerate saw an opportunity and took in, 'recruiting' every super powered being they could find, forcibly or otherwise. They were the first to conduct large scale research on the nature of the new super powers but they were very tight-lipped about anything they discovered. Whatever it was that they found, they became able to expand their empire to astronomical proportions and monopolize almost everything. They practically already owned Russia by the time they formally bought it, they were just that good. Some people say they have their sights set on other countries yet to be conquered, but even if they were, who would be able to stop them? [b][u]Current CEO:[/u][/b] [hider=Alexei Alkaev] [b]Name:[/b] [b]Alexei Alkaev[/b] [b]Age:[/b] 35 [b]Bio:[/b] Very late into his life, Peter Alkaev suddenly announced that he had plans to step down and let his heir take over, which came as a surprise to most of his own company. The fact that he had an heir to begin with was surprising, but not so much that he was stepping down. It was alredy 2020 and he was actually about 100 years old already. Surprisngly healthy too. So on his 100th birthday, he introduced his son to the world; Alexei Alkaev. Immediately rumors started to fly around about who he was, who his mother was, and why his father had never told anyone about him before. But he quickly put an end to things during a press conference in which he stated: [b]"I did come here to be the center of attention, I came here to do business."[/b] He made it clear to the media he didn't care about controversy, all he wanted to do was business. And that attitude would again show itself again, 8 years later when the meteor struck. As if he'd been waiting for the moment to come, he quickly took action. The very day after the meteor had landed he had already established several programs for his employees to learn to control their own powers. A week after the impact and he opened his doors to the public, recruiting and sheltering more super powered beings. Under his guidance, the Alkaev Conglomerate became the first to capitalize on the opportunity sent by the heavens themselves, and they became the world's very first giga-corporation. [/hider][/hider] [b]America:[/b] [hider=Ganze Corporation] [b][u]History:[/u][/b] Ganze Corp is in fact one of the most recent mega-corporations to enter the corporate stalemate. In just five years it grew to become the number one manufacturer of medical technology, particularly in the field of prosthetic limbs. Basically, they're the best at making robot arms. They maintain their hold through the sheer quality of their products, and through the mysterious destruction of several other corporations which have been greatly advantageous to the Ganze corporation which can't be directly linked to the company just yet; they have become a viable threat to the corporate stalemate. [b][u]Current CEO:[/u][/b] [hider=Alto Ganze] [b]Name:[/b] [b][color=thistle]Alto Ganze[/color][/b] [b]Age:[/b] 23 [b]Bio:[/b] If you were to ask anyone on the street who Alto Ganze was, the first thing they would say is "He's a genius." And he had to be, to be able to make the Ganze Corporation rise to such heights in such short of a time. So short in fact, that they haven't finished making their skyscraper just yet. So how smart is he exactly? Well, out of all the words most commonly used to describe him, his favorite would be [i]unreal.[/i] And for someone new to his story he would certainly seem [i]unreal.[/i] He obtained his PhD in Medicne AND Engineering by the time he was 17, and quickly distinguished himself further in the following year when the meteor landed. Within one month of the crash, he wrote a brilliant thesis on the possibility of streaming a power through a prosthetic, and almost immediately afterwards patented a device capable of doing so. It wasn't as if he was waiting for it, but almost like he was [i]made[/i] for it. As a result of this, some people started to call him the Messiah of the New Age. But even though he enjoys being called that, he doesn't condone it, because; [b][color=thistle]"At least when people say I'm unreal, that's sort of true. I ain't exactly a Messiah yet."[/color][/b] [/hider][/hider] [hider=Free World Group] [b][u]History:[/u][/b] Despite their name, the Free World Group is actually not a nature activist group or anything. It's actually a security corporation, and currently the biggest security corporation in America. Mind you, I said Corporation not Company. That's because the Free World Group covers every facet of 'security', from guards to guard dogs to laser tripwire hallways and the locks on your doors might even also be from them. They've been in the game for a long time and they've had a healthier authority change cycle than the Alkaev Conglomerate's "100 years of one guy and then his son." Their strength being that they are very malleable. When the meteor struck, they adapted to the changing times and have been strong ever since. [b][u]Current CEO:[/u][/b] [hider=Sefia Allens] [b]Name:[/b] [color=orangered][b]Sefia Allens[/b][/color] [b]Age:[/b] 31, but she can look like any age she wants [b]Bio:[/b] Most people have no idea who the CEO of the Free World Group actually is, but those that have met her would describe her as "slightly eccentric." When the meteor landed she gained the ability to fluidly transform herself through any age of her lifespan, and she was originally pretty whimsical. There was a story once of her approaching a reporter supposed to be interviewing her as her 12 year old self, then showing up later as her 18 year old self, then finally doing the interview as her 30 year old self. So obviously she always has a variety of different clothes at hand in order to properly perform her shenanigans. But she isn't the CEO of the Free World Group for nothing. The two things in the world she always gets serious for are protection and money so none of her employees ever complain about her antics. Despite how she is, she'll always be a steady leader for her company.[/hider][/hider] [hider=U.S Government] [b][u]History:[/u][/b] 2033 has made for a very turbulent time for the U.S government. Around the world many corporations were completely taking over their respective countries, and America was one of the last ones that still had a hold on themselves. They've had to use almost every resource available to them just to keep the Supreme Court 'Supreme', so they stand in a very shaky position all thing considered. The only thing really giving them some face in the public is their technically legal Odin-II orbital missile satellite which even they knew was a dick move to launch. It wasn't violating the free space treaty because all that said was "no missile weapons in space!" and Odin-II just has giant multi-ton tungsten rods. But even with Odin-II, and the whole military at their back, they are very aware that they don't really register as a threat to anyone. All the other countries were all looking for a good reason to launch their own orbital missile weapons and if that happened, their one advantage would basically be null and void. There's trouble brewing in America and the government won't be able to do a thing.[/hider] [hr] [center][h2]Applications and Guidelines[/h2][/center] [hider=Sheets] [b]Name:[/b] [b]Age:[/b] [b]Occupation:[/b] [b]Appearance:[/b] [b]Bio:[/b] [b]Powers:[/b][/hider] [list] [*]The sheet is just a template, you can change stuff around if you want to [*]When making powers, don't try and make it so that you'll win every fight. Just make something fun and interesting to play [*]Please don't try to purposely offend anyone [*]Do keep the setting in mind when making your character [*]Do also try and make a character who could have some interesting interactions with other characters [/list] [hr] [center][h2][color=yellowgreen]So, what did YOU do when America was in a Corporate Stalemate?[/color][/h2][/center] [center][color=yellowgreen][sub](You're not supposed to answer that)[/sub][/color][/center]