[center][color=00aeef][h2]Amberlyn Manera of Viracian[/h2][/color] As soon as the boy mentioned her name Amberlyn pursed her lips, unsure on how to reply. Was she supposed to be straight-up on it or not? She pondered on the thought for a while before deciding to take the prior path Amber tucks a lose lock of auburn hair behind her ear. At least finding who her husband was to be was a lot easier than she thought. From the corner of her eye she noticed her parents muttering happily to each other, watching their daughter and the boy she was betrothed to in their greetings. She wondered if Alexander had just not bothered looking at the name card placed in front of her or if he just wanted something to say for conversation's sake. "[color=00aeef]Well...[/color]," she starts gently, "[color=00aeef]I should probably introduce myself,[/color]" She outstretches her hand as the beginning of a handshake. "[color=00aeef]Amberlyn,[/color], she says simply, not bothering with formalities despite her mother's lectures leading up to when she met her future husband, not that she was meant to know who she was betrothed to until tomorrow but her parent nervous, yet pleased, glances said otherwise.