Played the campaign of the two most recent Medal of Honor games recently (2010 & Warfighter, that is.) and had hatched probably my best, or least-terrible, roleplay idea in a while. I'd already searched beforehand on the Guild for something similar and saw a roleplay based during the cold war, but it died out fairly quickly a few months ago, as squad-based RPs seem to so often do, which is sad as they seem to have so much potential. I don't have any major plot ideas as I figured anyone interested would be willing to help flesh it out, but the general premise would be a team (4-6), or Task Force, of special operatives from the various American JSOC units- DEVGRU/SEALs, Delta squad (recruited from 75th Rangers and US Special Forces/Green Berets); or even foreign assets/operatives, with the goal of hunting and dismantling a terrorist organization and it's leadership wherever it may take them. As GM i'd play the role of a CIA coordinator and handler, and potentially have a partner to fill the role as a co-GM. But, just tossing ideas and am open to any and all suggestions! Happy RPing!