[quote=@Squishypal] Read carefully 1. I don't always have time to post paragraphs with full detail, simply because I have a busy life outside of the forum, not only that but I get pressured to constantly reply to this RP by Carla whenever I go online. I'm sorry I've been so inactive on this RP but you have to understand that people like us don't always get the time. 2. Like I said, I have a life outside of the forums, all of us do. And I can agree with you because of lack of detail with such minimal post size it doesn't fuel for more ideas. I am running out of ideas too, even though I was trying to make the story interesting throughout the RP after the dream scene, of which there was supposed to be more. But because of our busy lives thus the lack of engagement in participating. But like I said, I agree with you on this. 3. I agree with you on this too. The roleplay did go off-topic. I admit I didn't like the idea of Bluebell going away and leaving. It seemed a bit drastic. I felt the same like you, we both felt there could of been more and we were a bit let down and fed up because of it. But it's never too late to go back and change that, and think of a few ideas and re-edit. If you want to leave, then do so. No one is stopping you, I'm not, I'm just have to give you the options that are available. I hope you understand all this from a certain point of view. [/quote] I will explain that I am also busy but I ask people to reply because if we are on at the same time it kind of makes sense. Bluebell leaving is a plot twist that will be resolved soon.