[quote=@Zero Hex] Okay so let me get this straight. You want a special medal that the Medabot Company, for some completely unexplainable reason, gifts to everyone working on it even though that would be counterproductive in keeping their new product both rare and hidden. A new and improved version of the thing the world revolves around is definitely not the same as a grandfather clock. This rare medal of yours would also not be the actual rare medals that are already part of the anime setting, and exist entirely to make your character special and different. You say you can patch up any plot hole about having this medal when your ideas thus far have been deemed cheap even by your partner and amount to "his dad gave it to him somehow because he works there". Ikki found his after it was stolen by a plot device character that's a master thief and also the best medafighter with one of the best medabots. Ikki also found it because he's the protagonist of a story designed around telling his and Metabee's journeys, while this is a collaborative writing exercise. As Prostagma and I have said, other medabots have personalities. Off the top of my head, Krosserdog ran away from home and Peppercat shows romantic attraction and they're about as dirt normal medabots as you get. If the setting doesn't have rare medals, then there's absolutely no reason why you should get a new type of unique medal you made up and can't justify. If the setting has the anime rare medals, then there's also no reason to have one except to bump your powerlevel over others who don't because that's the lone difference. [/quote] I agree that it is a collab experience. I still can vouch for the "rare medal". However if all you guys are going to go apeshit about a made up thing. Then sure. We won't incorporate the medal. LOL Also I dare your bot to be the headless horseman.