Ok first I love your ideas Legion02! I don't think a fully formed AI race fits into the dirty-sci-fi feel of FACTION however. What I propose is this: Long before Man got to Mars and started terraforming a sentient race of aliens [i]did[/i] in fact exist on Mars. They built civilizations 'neath the surface because of the atmospheric conditions-but built one hell of a computer system to regulate environmental conditions,agricultural processes and of course mining. Now these aliens died way before civilization arose on earth so almost all trace of them is gone. But they left their computers behind..Somewhere in the alien code an AI began to form. Nobody is sure how or if the aliens meant to develop AI but nonetheless something popped up and survived whatever cataclysm destroyed the original Martians. [quote=Legion02] The idea was simple. To make robot soldiers but there are a few problems with that. For one they have to be 'human enough' to understand orders & make tactics on the field. But they cannot be too much human or they will start thinking about the unusefull stuff like morality and right & wrong.[/quote] When it first came into contact with/noticed human networks it remained undetected and has managed to learn [i]alot[/i] about humans. It has been working on how to build a more 'human' looking sentient unit for hundreds of years before it makes official contact with humans. Anyways that's what I'm thinking for your 'AI' race. We would have to work out the nuances of the alien species (because the original programming would be greatly influenced by the species) and work that in somehow too. And figure out what they ultimately want on mars. More resources to build more units? Total destruction? Figure out what the heck happened to the original Martians?