Display Name: Xypher Ephithet: The Shadow Soldier Age: 18 RP Speech Color: purple Description: Medium length black hair, a hood and leather armour adorned with intricate markings, covered by a dark cloak, ice blue eyes Weapon(s):a large dual bladed sword Skill Slots: Jumping shot - Xypher leaps backwards out of harms way while throwing his sword Recall - Xyphers sword will dematerialise and rematerialise in his hand Sakura Storm - Xypher whirls his sword around himself dealing significant damage to all nearby enemies but he has to catch his breath afterwards Underworlds Blessing - Xypher takes advantage of any distraction to slink out of combat behind his teammates Breaker: Xypher noticed early on that his cloak didn't render from certain angles, as such he has learned to twist it around himself and hide himself from sight however he cannot attack while hidden