[@ChaoticFox] [Center] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/3f/62/e5/3f62e553d8b2769d7f164bcdd04fe2ad.jpg[/img] Sergei Dragunov [/Center] Sergei rapidly picked up his katana, as he put it back under his jacket. He tried to observe what Maven was doing, still having issues breathing from the little fight. Sergei saw Maven grab some kind of injector from some pouch, but he was unable to read what was written on it due to his poor eyesight. He quietly observed the steps Maven was making, so he could perhaps assist if such a situation were to happen again. He noticed that Maven had trouble standing back up, and was considering out to help her up, as he is partly to blame for what happened, but he decided not to, as that might ruin her selfrespect. Sergei noticed that Maven's look in her eyes looked to be sad. As soon as Maven picked up the gun, he gripped his claw from under his sleeve, but he soon noticed that she dropped the mag, realizing its a sign of peace. As Sergei was about to introduce himself and apologize what happened, a doctor interrupted him. As soon as the doctor shouted at Sergei, he drew his katana from under his hoodie, and he was ready to kill the doctor right there, right here. "Whats with that attitude, immediately thinking of me as an enemy?!" He shouted at the doctor. As soon as the doctor mentioned the name Prophet, Sergei had a flashback. He saw how got rescued from the burning house. "This again... Why now?" He thought to himself, as his vision started to blur. "Damnit... Who are those Phrophets?!" He shouted, this time at the wall, before he started to hyperventilate. He started to remember details from his accident, how he got burned, how he saw all the other people died... Sergei fell down on his knees, as he started shouting "Make it stop! Make it stop!", still hyperventilating. He kept seeing images of his former friends being burned alive.