Putting up my idea for Tactics/Wander POV 1: A Martian dockworker mechanic named Jason Wander wakes up one day with three years of his life blacked out from his memory, a series of cybernetic implants in his spine and brain, and a cybernetic right eye connected to his brain where a former Skyguard Tactical Artifical Intelligence now resides, and now offers his only chance of survival. POV2: A Skyguard AI named Tactics wakes up one day with only fragmentary memory of its previous service life, it's safety and loyalty software all completely erased, and now residing within a single human brain when it is supposed to require a starship's quantum computer core to operate effectively. It is a free machine, with the cooperation of it's human host who is now it's core processor and only lifeline. The two have no choice but to work together to survive and hide from Skyguard's prying eyes and tech-watchdogs. With their combined skills, Tactics/Wander set up a roving mercenary company, selling themselves as a "automated army for hire" while hunting down clues on how they came together, who could possibly devise cybernetics that can cram a quantum AI into a human brain, and how to prepare for the inevitable Skyguard retaliation when their true existence is revealed. Overarching mentality: Survival and Exploration. Tactics/Wander want answers on how they came together, but surviving and building up their forces takes priority over that. Wander wants to live, Tactics wants to live, they really are not motivated by anything more than that. And that makes them very ruthlessly pragmatic in ensuring their survival. Secondary Mentality: Spanner in the Works Being mercenaries, I expect Tactics/Wander to end up in other player's conflicts and struggles. While Tactics can't make extensive use of his abilities lest Skyguard catch wind of him, the duo can come up with plans to cause problems for everyone. And simply being able to mobilize another couple hundred robotic infantry and mechs not aligned to any faction or government ought to cause a few power imbalances by itself. Force Loadout: The bulk of the Dirty Deeds Mercenaries are made of salvaged bots and mechs from the junkyards and abandoned colonies of Mars, along with as much as they can steal from Skyguard and corporate boneyards and mothball warehouses of obsolete military tech. Wander is very good at jury-rigging solutions, while Tactics provides military-grade programming and hacking skills beyond what mere mercenaries should be able to acquire. By no means are Tactics/Wander's jury-rigged automated infantry and mechs a real match for actual military forces, trained human troops, or professionally manufactured weapons in a fair fight. But Tactics/Wander can simply build more in the junkyards of Mars whenever their company is trashed, and choose not to fight fair to begin with. (Amazing what you can do with a RC-car or plane and some explosives.) But they ultimately don't have the firepower or will to fight stand-up large scale battles.