[color=39b54a]Far away from the nexus’s nightclub, there were a block of offices. They looked relatively normal, exactly the same as any other block. Grey, square and tall with windows on each side, not unlike what a child might draw if you asked him to draw a big building. No one really knew what it was actually there for, but if you were to go in, you would find several security guards politely but firmly telling you to leave. Therefore, people simply forgot about it. It was hardly interesting. However, no one noticed that the glass was completely bulletproof, the building was hooked up to one of the most advanced security systems in the city, and the guards were carrying five-seven handguns and several frag and smoke grenades. Inside the building, in one of the rooms below ground, a woman in a three-piece suit stood at a bookcase, in a room that looked like something out of a billionaires hotel. The walls were completely white, with a roof that was covered in gold leaf around the edges. On the walls were several copies of famous paintings from the old civilisation. A group of sunflowers, a woman who strangely had no eyebrows, several paintings that seemed to make no sense. The owner of this room preferred literature however. The art was there simply because she liked the feeling of the old civilizations greatest work around her. The woman herself appeared to be in her late thirties, but a good look at her face would indicate that she was quite a bit older. A lot of work had gone towards making that face look younger. She was tall and fairly thin, but it was clear by the suit that she was quite well muscled. She ran her hands over the book spines, reading the text on the sides as she did so. These works were completely uncensored, she hadn’t let anyone from the propaganda departments touch them. If she got bored and sold everything in this room, she could buy her own district. Her thoughts were broken by the sound of a beeping noise. Forgetting about the books, she reached into her pocket, flicked a phone open and raised it to her ear. “Yes?” she said quietly. There was silence in the room, as the woman listened to what the person on the other side was saying. “…he’s doing what?” [/color] _______________________ [color=0072bc] Andrew was bored. The barman hadn’t come back to him, which led him to assume that his request for ice cream was not going to happen. [i]“Nexus don’t have ice cream…the red wolves were based out of a glorified shed at the beginning and even they had some!”[/i] He sighed quietly when he remembered the wolves. They hadn’t deserved what had happened to them. No one did. He was so trapped in his melancholic thoughts, he didn’t notice someone sit themselves down next to him. Andrew moved his head slightly, making sure to hide his face behind his hand. The person in question was pale, with brown hair that appeared quite messy. "Hey there. You know, you ain't looking so good... Want me to get you a drink? On me." [i]"Oh god, hes talking to me! Hes not hitting on me is he? That’s happened before…Its always embarrassing…" [/i] [i]"No, he appears to just be friendly…"[/i] “Um…” said Andrew, trying to hide his thoughts. “Im fine thank you. I…don’t drink. It makes things feel all funny.” There was another pause. “Um…sorry, I…er…have to go do something…” he stuttered again, getting up to leave. [/color] _____________________________ [color=ed1c24]Not far from the nightclub, on top of another roof, stood several New Order soldiers, dressed in the black armor with a white stripe that signified their unit. One of them took a deep breath. “Are you alright sir?” asked one soldier, looking up from a laptop. The commander lifted his helmet over his head, tasting the pollutants in the air. He worked out a crick in his neck, and looked down. No one under his command knew exactly who he was, he was only known as “Delta” The people of the section he worked for didn’t like their names being known. It was said that some of his fellow commanders had forgotten their names, and only answered to their tags. “I…I don’t know if I should do this. I know that traitorous bastard might be in there, but…” He looked down again. In the distance, he could see the blaring lights of his target. “…no. Its for the new order. Its always been for the new order…I tracked the traitor, I sent the failed assassin…this is my fault. I have to fix it. No matter the cost.” One soldier looked up with alarm. “Sir! We have a confirmation from Nickel Matrix! Defences are weak!” The commander looked up. “Give me a comlink to the entire force.” The soldier tapped some keys on his laptop. “Done.”[/color] [i]“I have to do this…”[/i] [b][i]“All units, converge on the target! Leave no terrorist in there alive! For the new order!”[/i][/b] __________________________ [color=0072bc]Andrew was just excusing himself, when the doors of the club exploded.[/color]