[quote=@Grim327] [@Baron Leros] I noticed you said the Army and Navy specifically. While the answer is probably obvious, I just want it to be clear, are you going to allow characters from both the Air Force and Marines? [/quote] Most of these task forces are pulled from only the most elite units- Which are SFOD-D, DEVGRU & other SEAL operatives, and USSF. The Air Force does have a unit in JSOC, the 24th Special Tactics squadron, but this RP will be focused on ground operations, and that unit is primarily a SpecOps Air Support, which I will control as coordinator. That being said, as the unit will include SOG units, or troops plucked specifically for CIA purposes, you may be a marine, yes. The OOC is almost finished & ready to be posted. That will wait until the morning i'm afraid. But here is the Character Sheet Template for those who would like to start that. ________________________________________________________________________ Full Name: Nickname: (Will be most used among fellow operatives) Birthplace: Age: It takes most SpecOps troops years to gain the experience, intelligence, rank and training to become an elite. No younger than 23, if possible. Rank: All SpecOps operatives must be above the rank of Second Lieutenant. SAD OPERATIVES (Special Activities Division- Usually Marines recruited directly by the CIA. Also known as “Black Operations”) must rank above Staff Sergeant. Your characters are elites, they’re experienced and their ranks should show that. Branch: Weapon preference: Be realistic. Use US Standard Issue weaponry unless the mission would require the deception of enemy weapons. Having a team full of guys with sniper rifles isn’t practical for almost any mission. Every circumstance and mission should be evaluated when selecting your character’s loadouts. A key to an affective fireteam is…? Balance. A base of fire of 2-3 guys (rifles, commonly FN SCARs & M16A4s) , a support gunner (sniper/LMGs), an engineer (light carbine preferred for mobility), and a Squad Commander (this is flexible) Extra Equipment: (Beretta M9s are standard issue. Everyone gets one.) Appearance: Brief Biography: (subject to change)