Name: Fearghas Al' thor Age: 29 Country of origin: Scottish-American Native language and accent in English: English with a neutral spoken accent, knows how to speak and write some Scottish Gaelic Appearance: A large, stocky man at 6'1 with a broad yet lithe and supple body, Fearghas presence is rather dominating when he applies himself. His musculature is defined from hours spent fencing, swimming, and rock climbing, paring down much of the fat on his body. Despite his size, Fearghas's features themselves are rather plain as people go. His face is gaunt, with blue eyes sunken slightly into the face, shoulder-length hair that he normally keeps back with a band topping his head. Personal beauty is not of importance to him but he keeps himself respectable nonetheless. His face is lined by a thin beard. Normally, he wears unassuming clothes, neither scruffy nor refined. At the time of his arrival, he is wearing a pair of climbing shorts, a breathable synthetic shirt, a pair of sturdy all-purpose shoes, climbing gloves, and a helmet and harness, along with his backpack. Strengths: Physically adept in a variety of skills, able outdoorsman. Some knowledge of physics. Decent fencer if only recreationally. Good craftsman. Weaknesses: Soft-spoken, although not an isolationist. Not very good at diplomacy. Disillusioned and will sometimes make rash or spiteful decisions. Some troubles controlling his temper. Somewhat alcoholic. Possessions: Wind-up watch, two-days worth of energy bars, water, and beef jerky, 150 feet of nylon rope, a sleeping bag, small bag of personal hygeine items with toothbrush, toothpaste, comb, and deoderant, hatchet, box of matches, fold-up saw, a wallet with a driver's license, twenty dollars in cash, loose change, and two pictures of outings with his friends, pocket knife. Beanbags. Because reasons.