On online dating.... [i][b]"I’d advise you that if you’ve tried meet girls, and giving both online and offline dating a fair shot during a long time, and always now gotten dismal results,..then delete your profiles and forget night game in bar scene. Better to try to seek love/sex by other means (i.e mail order brides if you have money, settle for a mordor orc, or maybe trying to find a good looking girl, but blind, something like that..) If you’re hell-bent on online dating, make sure you’re one of the 5-10% of Chads (top ranked males facially talking) who can capture the attention of cute girls. Physical attractiveness, mainly face, is the only thing for mating success (online and offline). Online, if are a Chad, the rest of your profile can be in Swahili and it won’t matter. If you are not a typical Chad, and your facial looks are -7/10, then you will not be ignored by the vast majority of women."[/b][/i] -KnightCavill23