[center] [img]http://i.imgur.com/fTFVzZ7.png[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/mDZvZZJ.png[/img] [@McFazzer] Minako continued to hum to herself as she dragged her older brother around, before he lead them to a different area outside, which isn't near the lunchroom at all. Miles explained himself as Minako nodded with that adorable smile of hers, but behind that smile was a scheming girl planning on having her older brother all to herself. When her older brother gently removed himself from Minako, her heart dropped as sadness had started to overcome her, and trust me, you don't want Minako sad at things like these. She gets angry and sadistic and may want to chop you up for leaving her alone for a little while, but this will be the only chance that Minako will give Miles, she started to calm down as she looked at the scenery outside. [color=f49ac2][i]None of those unworthy family members deserve to be here, those were all fakes.[/i][/color] Minako looked back to Miles after finishing her inner thought, seeing the set up that was like a romantic date for the two of them, her eyes beamed with happiness and love. Miles helped her sit down in a chair, so she sat down and was pulled in to the table, Minako watched Miles sit down, and felt him softly hold her hand on the table. She was then asked what they would like to do while they eat. [color=f49ac2]"I want to know more about you Onii-chan!~ How about I start first? I own an A-Cup bra, but I want you to guess what color underwear that I have on right now~"[/color] Minako giggled as she looked into Miles eyes. [img]http://i.imgur.com/NZgo1IP.png[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/FkUFBiz.png[/img] [@KoL] Kyoko listened to all Kaede had to say, she definitely took it into account that despite her breaking the rules several times, they one and the same. After the two had been exploring the hallways, they stumbled upon the staff locker room, and even went into the Black Class section. She was surprised how different it looked to the girls locker room, but to be honest she shouldn't have been surprised in the first place, this is the Black Class we're talking about here. She then sat down on one of the benches of the locker room, letting out a small sigh before she looked up to see... Kaede undressing right in front of her. Kyoko's face immediately went red before she looked away, trying not to say anything that would upset either of them. But then again, she wanted to take a quick peek at that snow white skin, the skin had reminded her of someone. That person who she was reminded of was her little sister who is currently in hospital, fighting the infamous illness known as Lung Cancer. Kyoko had done several assassinations to try and support her sister with money, but then her 'father' took over and started paying for her himself. She started to visit less and less as the time went by, the last time she saw her sister was over a year ago after all. Her vision had started to fade to black, which was the best thing for the both of them, you don't want Kyoko starting to cry out of the blue. [color=8dc73f][h3]~Backstory~[/h3][/color] [color=8dc73f]"Father! You have to take me with you! I need to fight for our family!"[/color] Kyoko had raised her voice to her father, who was about to hop into the car and leave Tokyo. Kyoko had been panting since she ran out of the hospital, her hands on her knees as she tried to regain her breath, but her father had the same cold look on his face. [color=6ecff6]"No, you must stay here in Tokyo with your sister."[/color] Kyoko's father had coldly said to his daughter, she simply got even angrier due to her father, her hands turning into fists on her knees. [color=8dc73f]"She'll be fine! Mother will come back and take care of her-"[/color] Kyoko said as she was interrupted by her father, who said the most heart wrenching words to her. [color=6ecff6]"Your mother is dead. You WILL stay here and that's final."[/color] Kyoko's father said coldly with a glare before getting in the car and shutting the door, the car starting to drive away. [color=8dc73f][i]Mother.... is dead?[/i][/color] [color=8dc73f][h3]~Present~[/h3][/color] Kyoko's vision had started to come back to her, she looked up to see Kaede in a maid outfit, she could already notice that she was somewhat amused. But then she saw somewhat of a sadistic grin on her face, that sent shivers up Kyoko's spine immediately before she was handed a new uniform. It took her a while to notice that it was a maid uniform, confusion instantly crossed her face before she realized what Kaede had meant by 'work'. Sweat had started to instantly run down her face from being nervous, people in the cafeteria were going to see the alcoholic wearing a maid outfit. [color=8dc73f][i]A... A maid uniform? Who would've guessed.[/i] [/color] Kyoko sighed from her inner thoughts before looking to see Kaede leave the room, and she got some interesting information just before Kaede left, this make Kyoko think on what her reward could be. [color=8dc73f][i]Maybe she'll give me back my sweet and precious alcohol!~[/i][/color] Kyoko started to have hope that if she did well, she'd be able to drink at least a bottle of booze, which would mean the most in the world for her right now. She then stood up from sitting down on the bench, looking at her maid uniform before undressing herself. She took off her blazer and unbuttoned her shirt underneath, she then undid her tie and let it fall. ❀ ❀ ❀ After Kyoko was dressed she had made her way to the cafeteria, in the hallways she was getting a couple of stares, but she managed to ignore them as she walked into the room. She had her classic small tsundere blush on her cheeks, not that many people seemed to notice since they were busy eating and interacting with one another, which was a good thing for Kyoko. She went over to the staff members, getting some tasks for her to do, she nodded at them and started with helping to give the lunch out. The staff would put the food in the lunch trays, while they would pass it to Kyoko to give to the students. She would occasionally get a 'thank you' from the students with manners, but for the third years that she knew, she would get a couple of laughs towards her. Kyoko shook it off though, continuing to do her job. [color=8dc73f][i]I must do this to get booze, it will all be worth it![/i][/color] Kyoko had cheered in her head. [/center]