[center] [img]http://s1.zerochan.net/Kisaragi.Shintaro.600.1937620.jpg[/img] [color=orange]"I will be stronger and join the Vongola! I won't let anyone else near me get hurt for my sake!"[/color] Username: RainDash Name: Aiden Rose Age: 16 Gender: Male Country of Origin: Italy Role: Student -> Boss-In-Training -> Vongola Boss Flame: Sky Weapon/Fighting Style: Staff with 2 blades on each end -> [url=http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/finalfantasy/images/b/b8/FFXIII_Dragoon_Lance.png/revision/latest?cb=20131222174948] Lance/Nunchuk thing[/url] Appearance: Current: [img]http://s1.zerochan.net/Kisaragi.Shintaro.600.1934523.jpg[/img] Aiden isn't very tall, standing at about five foot six. He looks tired and 'washed out'. A lot of people often even go as far as calling him 'sickly'. His hair has grown out to a point where it looks shaggy but not quite unkept yet. He's thin, but underneath that is muscle. It's fair to say that he often has marks on his face from sleeping in uncomfortable places, such as his keyboard or desk. His purple eyes often look unfocused and glazed over, due to lack of sleep. Ten Years From Now: [img]http://static.zerochan.net/Lelouch.Lamperouge.full.1009888.jpg[/img] He looks healthier and his hair is kept neat, but somehow it still sticks out everywhere. He's gained some color to his skin and his gaze pierces even the most difficult of lies. He is known for smiling while fighting, and often has ink on his face or hands from various papers or projects. He gained some weight and now has even more muscle than before, but his loose clothing disguises it. His clothing is often strange and seems to be gifts from various people. The one he wears most is a knitted scarf. Personality: He's actually pretty nice and sweet, under all those layers of isolation and anger. Aiden goes to extremes to protect those he's close to, and sometimes to him that means keeping them all at arm's length. He's very smart and intuitive, when he's not half-asleep or daydreaming. He's also cynical and tries to be unempathetic. However, he's also a terrible, terrible liar. Saying that he doesn't care will reveal that he does and doesn't want to be involved in it because he himself is hurting too much to allow anyone else to get close. A lot of people think that he's a thug because he's often bruised from training, but the truth is that he'd lose in a fight no matter what. He just doesn't want to harm anyone unless there's an actual reason to fight that's meaningful to him. History: A normal kid, born in Italy to a Japanese mother and an Italian father. He was very kind and people were naturally drawn to him growing up. His parents were both around and cared deeply for him. Things were going well until he turned fourteen years old. Walking home with a friend they got caught in the crossfire between the Vongola and a rival group. When it appeared that the rival group was trying to target Aiden his friend protected Aiden from the attack. Aiden was able to escape and told his parents what had happened. The next few months became a blur of packing, school, and finally the funeral. The shellshocked Aiden made a promise to his friend to never let his sacrifice be in vain and to never let anyone get close to him again. Aiden thought that if anyone was close to him they would be targets and only get hurt. The move to England left Aiden's father in Italy, and Aiden quickly went to work studying the Vongola and learning about their tactics. There wasn't much to go on, but Aiden used every bit of information he had to try and join the Vongola to become a part of the biggest and toughest mafia group. He pushed every one of classmates away, but was reliable enough to do various tasks for them. He rationalized that it was strength training. After a while he had one particular person start to ask for his help more often than most and a friendship developed despite Aiden's recalcitrance. Things started to look up and Aiden started to forget about his training to join the Vongola. His friend committed suicide about a few weeks after Aiden and he started to hang out. Aiden, now driven by grief and heartbreak renewed his vow and decided that anyone near him would get killed. He trained in various weapons to no avail, often going to school bruised and battered and earning him the reputation of a thug. He's made no comment against it, but continues to help teachers and students from time to time, if they're brave enough to ask. Quirk: Sits on arms of couches. Typically sits in a certain way so as to be ready to get up at any time. Theme: [youtube=oIQqGdfdR8Y]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oIQqGdfdR8Y[/youtube] Other: Speaks Italian, Japanese, and English. Some Spanish since Italian is related, but not that much. Has a phobia of thunder. Related to Vongola on his mother's side. Overview: A kid who saw his friend be killed by a rival mafia at fourteen, he moved to england not long after and vowed to join the Vongola. He made a friend in England but they soon committed suicide and Aiden was left alone again. He's since thought that he's a death sentence for his friends and tries not to make any. Despite his tough guy appearance and outward attitude, he's a big softie. [/center]