what do you people think of this so far. LeeRoy tell them to eat a dick. -- [hider=Zeal] Zeal is the 'face' of the [b]Supernovas[/b], owing to him having the largest concentration of the reallocated power. There is little known about the reason why he recieved the greatest concentration, but many speculate that it has something to do with him being in possession of the sword named [b]Vanguard[/b]. Zeal is already a significantly powerful and talented user of the uniquely shaped sword, able to use it in offensive and defensive matters. He is also a highly charismatic being, as well as intently focused on saving the Allarian multiverse. With a strong sense of justice, right, and wrong, many of the [b]Novas[/b] accepted him as the head of the trip into the new multiverse. [/hider] [hider=Captaines] A feared warrior of the Allarian seas, with an almost arcane knowledge of the world's beast of aquatic nature, and the swiftness at which a man can turn from friend to foe, the Pirate Captainess is a ruthless woman. She began her pirating days upon the ship of Captain Alex, but quickly stole off to another ship after killing the Captain of it. Her skill with sword, and her uncanny steadiness, even in the harshest of seas earned her a seat at the Pirate's Table, and an audience with the Pirate King, who told her of the sword that would eventually become her most prized possession. [b]The Cursed Cutlass[/b], now known as the [color=Green][b]First Mate[/b][/color]. She quickly became an obsessed fanatic, and finally found the weapon, and through a series of terrifying events, took it as her now. Her sights are now set on the sword [b]Vanguard[/b], but also something else! She plans to use the powers granted to her by the [color=Green][b]First Mate[/b][/color], to collect the most powerful objects of the new multiverse; after all, why else would she agree to this trip? A burning world such as Allaria would surely provide her a chance to pilfer all the objects she could ever desire.[/hider] [hider=Fruzio] One of the most prominent spear-sword users in the [b]Novas[/b], Fruzio hails from the Beast families, which refers to the beasts that gained sentience along with humaniod features sometime in the past. All of the Beasts are related, even if they are different in species, hence 'families'. Fruzio is a timid member of the family, even in battle, resulting in a lack of urgency and aggression. His full potential with his weapon has yet to be unlocked, because he has not been forced to tap into the primal anger that lays latent within the families. This does not mean he is a slouch, he fights on par with other physical [b]Novas[/b]. Fruzio also uses impressive steps to manipulate the size of his spear, including shortening it to the size of a sword, for a surprise thrusting attack that sees it extend towards an unsuspecting opponent.[/hider] [hider=Gear Wizard] The Wizard is a highly advanced technopath, who modelled himself after a classical magical wizard, complete with the hat and all. Growing up in what amounted to a cult dedicated to machines, he possesses an innate knowledge of machines, and often uses his newly found powers as a technopath to bring to life creations of his cult. After the [b][b]Redistribution of Power[/b] of Power[/b], his powers took on a deadly turn - with the excess of power causing his power to backfire. The mix of his own, and the newly added power, caused parts of his body to become technological. So far, the changes haven't hindered him in anyway; though he can't feel anything in his torso area, except for the area around his heart. The right side of his face was also turned as well, along with the left arm and leg of his body. They've proven immune to outside hacking, thus far. After some modifications, he has turned his brain into what amounts to a super computer, as well as developed specialized black mechanical spheres to carry around his usual creations - each broken down into an incalculable amount of nanobots to make even the largest of his creations portable.[/hider] [hider=Mad Jester] The Mad Jester is one of the few [b]Novas[/b] with any connections to the prime fighters and villians of Allaria. He modelled his entire being on like Alchviem Falden, the Hellequin turned God, after his epic battle with Michael, that resulted in the latter being murdered and the former usurping Heaven, and casting out the rest of the Gods. They were a part of different circuses that often crossed paths with each other, however, the Mad Jester stayed with the one led by the Ring Master, and also featured a Bard with a vicious skin condition. He possesses small weapons like throwing knives, a deck of cards, and from his other dimensional pocket, a large rubber mallet. The Mad Jester is the only [b]Nova[/b] that fully switches from a [b]Physical Nova[/b] to a [b]Magical Nova[/b], if he makes it through the proper four steps. Afterwards, his weapons can explosive properties, and sharpening properties, making his games extra deadly. He is also the only one to name his attacks, both physical and magical after games.[/hider] [hider=Constructor] The Constructor is another of the construction [b]Novas[/b], which is an unofficial name. She is one of the magical ones. She started off with an interest in metaphysical engineering, however, after the [b]Redistribution of Power[/b], her brain was expanded to allow mechanical engineering, and those developing and creating artifical intelligence, constructs, and the manipulation thereof. While her powers, from the [b]Redistribution of Power[/b] are closely related to technopathy, they are actually more akin to spirit manipulation. She's able to harness souls to imprint on her, and then implant themselves in constructs that have a modicum of her power. This allows them to live, act, and engage in combat on seemingly a free will basis. There is no limit to her constructs, so they aren't all steampunk themed machines, but swords, and traps as well - leading many to believe she is also a telepath. After bargaining with the [b]Gear Wizard[/b], she was able to obtain a number of his spheres to carry around her already made constructs.[/hider] [hider=TeiTaro] Tei'taro is one of the few [b]Novas[/b] who has a connection to a prime fighter of the Allarian multiverse. As his name suggests, he is the son of Rosuto, the Spirit Beast King, and the brother of Kei'taro, the Beast Master. If Kei'taro was the good son, then Tei'taro would be the bad one. They have similar powers, both hunting for tattoos, however Tei'Taro's body is killed with Humaniod Keys, begotten from their holders in less than admirable ways. With the [b]Redistribution of Power[/b] and his awakening as a [b]Nova[/b], Tei'Taro developed the ability to ignore or sidestep the challenges set by the Key Holders, in favor of killing them outright for their keys. He was also able to subjugate some animals for their keys. Rosuto always had high hopes for Tei'Taro, as his ruthlessness made Rosuto think he would be a good Spirit Beast King, however, Tei'Taro vanished for over a decade. Kei'taro knows of his return, and has been actively preparing for it. By conserving energy for four turns, he can alter the battlefield in any way he chooses, within reason, and gain access to the animal keys he has.[/hider]