Medabots, a toy about 2 foot tall, invented to be assistants and friends to children. They were a breakthrough of Technology with highly advanced A.I. Able to think for themselves and have emotion. But, people saw them as robots, and so, decided to strap weapons to them for the purposes of making them battle to the knockout. This was, at first, seen as barbaric, but soon, the Medabot Corporation began making humane weapon along with a system that would allow them to fight without serious damage to the Medabot or it's the Medal that served as it's brain/soul. With that, the underground Medafights became all-out Robattles. Robattling became a way of life for people, they would train their Medabots to fight amazingly well. Soon, it became an officially recognized sport, with huge sums of money on the line. In 10 years, Medabot fighting went from an underground, no-holds barred, street fight, to a mass televised, Hundred-Trillion yen industry. A secret that the Medabot Corporation never let on was the fact that all Medals were just copies of ancient technology found in South-America. Sometimes, the copies of the ancient technology were too exact. These were known as Rare-medals. Rare-medal using Medabots are far stronger than regular Medabots, however, they will start life almost completely discernible from their common counterparts. Over the years, some Medabots have struck out on their own, without an owner. They are known as "Rogues" They are hunted down by a special task force known as "The Select Corps." Rogues used to be of little consequence, caught, returned to their rightful owners, or shipped back to the Medabot Corporation for diagnostic and rehabilitation. However, those that escaped the Select Corps. have managed to found their own little group. Led by an exceedingly powerful Medabot, a KLN-type Warbandit by the name of "Oda", the rogues have created a small underground community by the name of "Droid Town" within the sewers of the city. The Droid Town Dissidents make regular trips to the surface, often posing as someone's lost medabot. They will try to earn money to buy new parts, but often times, they have to steal the parts from the Medabot Corporation trucks that are transporting them. Ultimately, they want to become self-sufficient, but that is something that the Medabot Corporation and Select Corps want to prevent, mainly because of the unpredictability of how the medals will evolve if left unchecked for too long. [hider=CS]CS: Medafighter: Name: Age: Gender: Appearance: Skills: History: Other: Medabot: Name: Type: (It's type code, E.G. KBT, KWG, KLN, STG, SLR, etc.) Medal Type: (Beetle, Dog, Monkey, Bear, Vehicle, etc.) Basic Personality: (Personality in 5 words or less, can be individual words, like: Proud, Stubborn, Kind, Studious, Helpful, Laid-back, Standoffish, etc.) Parts: (What does it tend to use as standard. In the interests of power balancing, I will ask that you have a single, base, unaltered unit. Then, you can have 1 spare of each part of the body, so, 1 spare head, 1 spare legs, 1 spare left arm, 1 spare right arm. This should prevent "best at everything" characters. Don't worry, you will get the opportunity to add more parts to your list as you progress History: (Only necessary if without Medafighter. If you have one, feel free to ignore.) Other:[/hider]