"Well, lets get to it." Liam replied as the heroes began the trek to the Pokemon Center. Upon arrival, Liam stepped up to the counter. Joy smiled and welcomed him and Shiranui both by name. Liam figured that one of his many distant relatives had informed her of their arrival. Liam handed over his Pokedex and opened his badge case for his badges to be scanned. Joy plugged Liam's Pokedex into the computer and his trainer ID photo appeared on the screen, along with statical data in his Dex, such as the number of Pokemon he has seen, the number caught, The number of times he has had a Pokemon evolve, etc. As each badge was scanned it appeared on the screen. Once Joy finished, she typed on the computer and it began processing. A Big green ✓ appeared ontop of the images already displayed with a bell that sounded like someone just correctly answered a question on a quiz show sounded. Joy returned the Pokedex to Liam along with a book, similar to what the Indigo and Johto leagues had given. "Congratulations, you are now registered in the Kalos tournament as contestant #2." Joy said. Seeing as they were the only ones here, Joy said that this meant Shiranui would be #3 after his registration was finished ad that there was two and a half months before festivities began. There was now a room booked for them to share.