Name: John L. Roberts Age: 49 Appearance: Standing at the reasonable height of five feet and nine inches, John is a lean man of pale skin and dark hair. His eyes are a dull gray-brown, not unlike two chips of flint, though they are somewhat distorted behind thick glasses. He keeps his raven-black hair well-maintained, though it is streaked with gray and beginning to bald. The true pride of John's appearance, of course, is the rather impressive goatee that he carefully trims and landscapes each day. Perhaps even more striking than the facial hair to the first glance, however, is the pronounced limp with which he walks painfully -- a relic of the days of the Great War. He has a tendency to grimace and mutter under his breath with every few steps, but stalwartly reject any sort of assistance offered. John usually dresses in simple clothing, porting in general jeans, a cotton shirt and practical boots under an old-fashioned brown duster. Personality: John is a somewhat gregarious man in general, fond of friends and lively conversation. He prefers to listen more often than he speaks as a general rule, but could not truly be described as solitary. Generous with his money when he still had it, he has since become a bit more closely-guarded. John maintains a number of different dispositions dependent on the scenario -- if one were to find themselves waiting in the room with a loved one on the operating table, no doubt they would be surprised at the, well, [i]surgicality[/i] (no pun intended) and solemnity with which John goes about the task. He takes to surgery as a man takes to breathing, as a habit more than a practice or a hobby. History: John Louis Roberts was born in Eastport, Maine in the year of 1885, to a reasonably wealthy family. His father had managed to distinguish himself a bit whilst fighting for the Union in the Civil War, and had since managed to hold down various odd-jobs as John's mother held down the home. John led a rather normal, if perhaps not quite idyllic, life for the times. Always an intelligent boy, he exemplified a certain strong work ethic that propelled him to Harvard College at the age of eighteen, where John went into the medical practice. After graduating some years later, he acquired work at a Boston hospital. John was thirty-two years old when America officially entered in to the Great War, and enlisted voluntarily despite being somewhat older than the average draftee. He managed to weasel his way into a position as a field medic after basic training, and proved to be rather good at it indeed. In early 1918, however, John took a number of bullets to the leg while attempting to retrieve an injured man from the battlefield and was himself rushed from the front-lines. He soon received medical leave and returned home, though not without his own share of shell-shock from working with men in various stages of death -- and nearly becoming one himself. When John returned home he found himself traveling to his home-town of Eastport, where he established a reasonably successful medical practice -- tending in large part to various small check-ups, though with the occasional surgery that helped to keep his wits sharp. He managed to find himself on the good side of much of the town due to a number of factors, among them his veterancy; his generally amiable attitude; and the low costs which he charged for his services. However, when the Great Depression reared its ugly head, John found that he perhaps should have charged a bit more after all. His meager savings lasted only about a year and a half before John was forced to sell his livelihood. Though it brought him considerable guilt, John cashed in his favors with a local well-off farmer -- and old friend via the local church -- by the name of Tackett. In exchange for providing general medical aid to farmhands and animals alike, John managed to secure himself a few hot meals a day and a roof over his head until he would be able to support himself once more -- which, with the advent of zombie apocalypse, perhaps will not be for some time more. Speech Color: [color=olive][b]Olive.[/b][/color] Traits: Savant - John is a very skilled surgeon. - [color=green]5[/color] Doctor - [color=green]4[/color] Intelligent - [color=green]1[/color] Local - [color=green]1[/color] Veteran - [color=green]2[/color] Churchgoing - [color=red]-2[/color] Bespectacled - [color=red]-1[/color] Lead-Footed - [color=red]-2[/color] Lame - [color=red]-1[/color] Shell-Shocked - [color=red]-2[/color]