[hider=CS] [b]Name:[/b] Trouv Trianon [b]Age:[/b] 23 [b]Sex:[/b] Male [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Appearance:[/b] Trouv is of average height and build, and has short stylized dark grey hair. He has black eyes and olive colored skin. Normally, he will wear clothes with buttons on them. [b]Occupation:[/b] Dessert Chef [b]Skills:[/b] What is your character particularly good at? [b]Powers:[/b] Trouv has vast knowledge of how certain spells and magical artifacts work. Strangely enough, Trouv is completely inexperienced in basic spells such as FIREBALL but is able to enchant or imbue desserts with special qualities. He can also conjure giant forms of these treats in lieu of attack. Unfortunately, he can't seem to make any of his concoctions taste good... [b]Inventory:[/b] Nothing of note... [b]History:[/b] Trouv appeared in town almost months ago, and now has a job at the bathhouse selling his desserts, though they are fairly unpopular. Some whisper that since he arrived, unearthly screams can be heard around the village, in addition to mysterious 'animal attacks'. [b]Point of Interest:[/b] Silent Sanctuary- Somewhere in the woods, is a large estate, long abandoned. Though it is fairly sealed off, a presence can be felt from within. [/hider]