[center][h1]Nuo Aoi[/h1] [@ChaoticFox] [hr] [img]http://i.imgur.com/SCmmEe1.png[/img][/center] [b]"Oh,"[/b] she replied. [b]"Okay then."[/b] Nuo already knew that she was, or might be, in for a bad moment with Saya given all the skipping she did recently, but barely afforded to care. Besides, even if the headmistress were to dish out the worst of her stern punishments, Nuo believed that for as long as her sins didn't involve directly harming Riddle Academy itself, Saya might, and probably might never bring herself to mete out a sanction so severe Nuo would see as being worse than what she had personally experienced in childhood, lest come close to fatally injuring someone. But, who is she even talking about? The headmistress is an enigmatic woman, and at any moment she could exceed Nuo's expectations. However, she did in fact, think of actually attending her next classes more often. After all, she has never taken one yet ever since she came here. It'll be a waste if she came here just to cut and cut again, having come here for nothing. Like the others, Nuo headed to the cafeteria to have some lunch. Or maybe just a little for some who had already eaten recently, which is what she's grabbing for today. A measly slice of bread, folded in half and sandwiching a slice of ham and lettuce, served with a glass of juice should do. The girl proceeded to plop down beside the same lass that she met earlier. [b]"So, uh... heya."[/b] Nuo said, pausing a bit afterwards to take a bite out of her sandwich. "[b]I've got a question to ask. TWO questions to ask, actually. If you don't like to answer either, that's fine with me. First off, well... weird. You never told me your name. What's yours? Second, uhh, this is a bit more touchy, but then just like I said, you're free not to answer. Why did you come here to Riddle Academy? Was it revenge? Obligation by parents? Gang? Or, heh, you just want to know how to shred your enemies without the law finding out? I won't really judge you badly, but I'm curious to find out, and maybe I'll give some help."[/b]