[@Unfortunately] Safira looked up from her sandwich, finishing what was in her mouth before looking up to Nuo with a curious look. She thought for a moment, as if giving Nuo her name was a complicated task, before looking back to her partner. "Meu nome é ... oh, você não fala Português....Sorry, bad habit. My name's Safira...Safire's fine though if you want." her struggle with English was evident, though comprehensible. At the second question, Safira paused for a moment to try and form her answer. After deciding that pictures were worth a thousand words, she pulled back her hair to reveal the symbol of the gang she was in, burned into the back of her neck. "I was in a gang back in Portugal...forced into it per say..." She looked down and took another large mouthful of her sandwich. She was exposing more than she would've liked to, but she was safe here, wasn't she? I mean, it was literally a building [i]filled[/i] with assassins. Safira looked back up to Nuo, mostly to see if she was satisfied with her answer, but partially to see her reaction to the brand mark she'd revealed.