As the door exploded Dusk hit the ground awkwardly knocking her breath right out of her, briefly stunned she lay there as a high pitch ringing started in her ears from the explosion, disorientated she tried to focus, rolling onto her hands and knees taking deep breaths to get some oxygen back in her lungs. Lifting her head she focused on Anita, she watched her mouth move as she called to Dusk but she was muted due to the blast deafness in her ears. "Fuuuuuck" Dusk gasped. It wasn't the first time she had been been in an explosion and she sure as hell wasn't enjoying it the second time round. MOVE MOVE MOVE her inner voice reacted to the situation in nearly seconds but it felt like minutes before the overpowering adrenaline kicked in. "Fuck Fuck Fuuuuuck" Dusk reiterated intensely as she scrambled after Anita to the booth, bits of door, flesh and blood from the poor bouncer were splattered all over the place including her face and favourite jacket clearly which now was ruined, quickly she cleaned off as much as she could as her before her stomach turned on her and expelled its contents. Dusk flattened herself as close to the booth walls as she could as bullets went flying overhead, gradually her hearing returned- clearly could tell by the sound of bullets thwipping past exploding into the walls and people around them. She barked at Anita stating the obvious "I need to get out of here!" Between to bursts of gunfire Dusk poked her head out slightly surveying their options, the first being the same door that exploded moments ago which was now being filled by SWAT like armed personnel, the second exit being highlighted by a neon green EXIT sign at the end of a small hallway behind the DJ's bullet ridden booth and the third exit a set of descending stairs on the left of the now empty bar. Wide eyed and desperate Dusk signed to Anita that she was going to take the third option, Dusk was unarmed, slightly drunk and full of adrenaline...why she thought that be the best option was anyone's guess.