[@Caits] Ahh, so that's why she has a truckload of siblings and, apparently, no one takes her seriously at her home? I kind of thought so, but wasn't really sure, since I do have the habit of doing characters inspired by mythological beings as well. Eris for example, whenever I use her, is always there to cause strife and instigate conflict in a way or another, since she's based on the goddess of strife and all that. Also, yeah, I really want to see what will happen if Cassandra walks in there. And, considering that Cassandra is new to the Academy, she should be one of the very few people who would approach Eris anyway. [@McFazzer] Yeah, it was a huge post, I tried to break it down and make it as comfortable to read as possible, because of that. And romance is indeed in the air around Purple Crown Academy with some many loving couples everywhere. Dawww~~~~