[center][u][b]Username:[/b][/u] tastzico. [u][b]Name:[/b][/u] Kevin Sinnet. [u][b]Age:[/b][/u] 18. [u][b]Gender:[/b][/u] Male. [u][b]Country of Origin:[/b][/u] England (Native of London). [u][b]Role:[/b][/u] Senior in high-school. [u][b]Flame:[/b][/u] Dying Will Flame of the Sun. [u][b]Weapon/Fighting Style:[/b][/u] His body, which had been hardened through many years of street-fighting, through various styles of self-taught martial arts and through his adaptability in dangerous, urban settings. [u][b]Appearance:[/b][/u] [img]http://i.imgur.com/OSxTyTv.jpg[/img] Olive skin, light-brown eyes, sandy-blonde hair. [u][b]Ten-Year Bazooka[/b][/u] [img]http://i.imgur.com/o4tBi2T.png[/img] [u][b]Personality:[/b][/u] Kevin is a young man of unparalleled confidence and recklessness. As if he's the physical embodiment of the word "carefree", the boy can be seen walking around the town of Goldcrest with an infectious grin on his face, each step powered with an energetic bounce while he's out there doing whatever he pleases. He's very outgoing and friendly as his bright attitude can be quite charming. However, he's quite direct and blunt with his words which could be overwhelming to some people. Because of his competitive nature, he rarely backs down from a challenge - even if he knows it's inevitable for him to win. Kevin is intuitive enough to know that he'll gain valuable knowledge on how to succeed the next time around just by going out there and tackling the problem head on. Because of his tenacity, he is also very prideful. The only time he gets angry is when his dignity is on the line. [u][b]History:[/b][/u] As a kid, Kevin was basically a delinquent who relished in the thrill of fighting. Over the years, he had adapted and honed his brawling skills so that he remained at the top of local neighborhood gangs that were ran by middle-schoolers. But Kevin had something that most unruly children do not have - loving and caring parents. Scared of their son's future, they decided to send him away to his grandparents who lived in a little, quaint town named Goldcrest. Of course, he was disgruntled when heard of the news. But he respected his parents and sought out to reform himself for their sake. Ultimately, he spent the next few years remedying his bad habits and eventually became a decent student. In fact, he had grown up to be quite a healthy and charming young man. But damn was he bored. His hunger for fighting had never sated over the years, having only small bites of brawling whenever the local bullies had acted up within his school and neighborhood. However, Goldcrest was quite peaceful and the thugs never bothered to instigate any further when they felt the blows of Kevin's fist. So things remained quiet, and Kevin became increasingly agitated and restless. Then one day, when he was walking home from school, he noticed a fellow student being attacked by a group of men armed with various melee weapons. To Kevin's surprise and before he could react, the student had already gone and initiated a counter-strike against the ambush. It looked like the had some sort of training, but he seemed so...reluctant to defend himself. His stance was great, but his he seemed unwilling to actually fight back. So Kevin threw himself into the scuffle, aiding the other boy in battle. It only took a few minutes for them to fend of the attackers after a quick exchange of blows. Both were breathing quite heavily as they slumped to the ground and sat so that could catch their breaths. Though the mysterious boy said nothing, Kevin himself was grinning as he dusted off his hands. There was a moment of silence between them as they recuperated. Finally, Kevin turned to his fellow schoolmate and gave a soft but genuine smile. "I'm Kevin," he introduced himself. "And you are?" Little did he know that the boy he had just introduced himself to was the next heir to an infamous mafia organization. Who knew that this little moment of fun for Kevin turned out to be the moment that would forever change the course of his future. Things may not be so boring anymore than it originally was. [u][b]Quirk:[/b][/u] He's a very picky eater, not liking most vegetables (bean sprouts being his least favorite). He also grew fond of reading and oddly enough, his favorite genre are romance novels. He owns a pair of reading glasses that he keeps safe in his backpack. [u][b]Overview:[/b][/u] Kevin Sinnet is a young man born as an average individual but forged himself into a force to be reckoned with due to his positively explosive and sometimes overbearing personality. A former delinquent trying to make his parent's proud. He's a natural-born fighter, having physical capabilities beyond the standards of boys his age. Despite growing up as a ruthless street-brawler, he has a high sense of sportsmanship and would never abuse his strength to bully.[/center]