Bryan cycled at a rather slow pace to his campus. The sounds of Edwin Starr's [i]'Twenty Five Miles'[/i] rung out in his ears as he edged closer and closer to the school grounds. As per usual, he wore a rather baggy red and black zip-up hoodie, left open. Under the hoodie he sported a white t-shirt bearing the familiar Motown 'M'. A pair of jeans and some old sneakers sufficed for his bottom half, he never was one to dress up for something like school, just seemed like an extra-ordinate amount of effort for something that he should technically enjoy. He finally made it to the entrance of the school, and locked his bike on a nearby fence before making his way into the hall. He really needed to get a car sometime soon. He was currently alternating between his old, rinky-dink bike and sharing his family car. His dream of a Toyota Trueno was still shining in his eyes though, and he hoped that he'd be able to afford one what with the numerous money gifts he'd inevitably get from extended family after finishing his college exams. He looked around the club fair, it was bustling with various clubs and people milling about looking for a new hobby. Bryan walked past a few, bearing no heed to the 'young farmers club' or the 'neo-spartacist goth raver association'. Finally, something that didn't seem too awful caught his eye. Unfortunately it was 'The Night Garden'. If only he knew. He stuffed his hands into his hoodies pockets, walking over to the booth and peering down at the assortment of leaflets and whatnot laying on the desk in front of him. It didn't seem to awful, and at least it didn't involve something so serious as communist goth raves. [color=82ca9d]"So, uh, what is this club actually about?"[/color] Asked Bryan [color=82ca9d]"It says here you play laser tag and all that, which sounds great and all, but I'm not sure I'd be up for it every night, to be honest."[/color] He said, taking out an ear bud with a hand before stuffing the hand straight back into his hoodie pocket.