[center] [h3]Reaciver[/h3] Name: Lucis Gonjake Age: 16 Gender: Male Appearance: [img]http://orig03.deviantart.net/4b70/f/2015/119/8/5/let_the_rain_wash_by_omrikoresh-d5j3wju.jpg[/img] Personality: On the surface, Lucis comes off as a rather silly and lighthearted person, frequently engaging in comical behavior and retaining his oft-present grin even while making threats. He displays a child-like amusement for new situations whether or not they prove adverse or even potentially fatal, he has a penchant for wandering off his own only to get into some sort of trouble. Even with all these idiosyncrasies, he is extremely personable and has a particularly complimentary nature that easily gains him the friendship and trust of those surrounding him. Of course, these aspects only hide the complex and determined young man underneath. On the reverse side of his frivolous nature is his considerable shrewdness, which makes him quite capable of reading people and situations. He is particularly observant, taking into consideration even the smallest details of his surroundings in order to better understand and deal with challenges and is not above using cheap tricks or questionable tactics to ensure his own survival. He has a considerable pride that will not stand for having his being insulted or condemned by others, but is also capable of shelving his pride if it becomes something that will stand in the way of his objective. He is very protective of his family and friends, refusing to allow any harm to come to them and often deeming their safety more important than his own in spite of his own personal ambitions and goals. He has to be reminded several times that his own safety is something upon which many people depend on and uses his loved ones as his primary motivation when all hope seems lost. As such, he becomes furious when observing those who willingly or remorselessly cast aside their own friends or brethren and is sickened by the idea of those who reject their duty to those who trust them. Skills: -Athletic (Basketball Player) -Good at reading others -Good with technology -Basic fighting skills Brief Backstory: Lucis was born in Albany, New York. His mother was a head chef at a local restaurant, and his father a SWAT Officer. Most of his childhood was spent here, creating mischief and trouble wherever he and his friends went. Unfortunately, he had to leave his friends when he hit 16. His parents were part of the Receiver Creation Program, he was the result of another successful procedure. He was to attend Akiyama-Kreuz Academy in Japan, a land of culture, one that he did not understand. He left his parents and began schooling there, only to begin to resent the hand that fate dealt him. The world of a Receiver was boring, never able to fight like a Tuner. He admired, even envied their ability to manipulate the Aether that he provided for them. An attitude he needed to soon change. Receiver: �[/center]