[hider=Tuner] Name: Rozmonda Arensdorf Age: 18 Gender: Female Appearance: [img]http://c.wrzuta.pl/wi8341/86cb5f2200056b3c48c6dcd6/zero_no_tsukaima_-_kirche[/img] She is particularly tall and, well, [i]mature[/i]. Personality: She is, to sum her up, self assured to the point of arrogance. She has a simplistic, straightforward approach to life and the world around her, and is prone to outright dismissing peoples attempts to claim it works otherwise. Because of her attitude she is actually somewhat easy going, being difficult to offend but at the same time often inconsiderate of others when they consider something to be important or a sensitive issue. When properly pushed however, she fiercely defends her sense of pride and is difficult to convince to let a matter drop. Although she is arrogant in regards to herself, she doesn't make a habit of downplaying others strengths or accomplsihments and will freely give compliments and support where she believes it is due. Despite the bad first impression she is almost guaranteed to make, she is a genuinely freindly person and has little ill intentions towards anyone. Type: Ability Abilities: Negation - Denial given power and form, this ability enforces the users will on reality. This power has some inherant versatility due to it's nature, but comes with severe limitations and drawbacks. For example it may be used to remove the momentum from a bullet, causing it to fall to the ground uselessly. However, it could also remove the bullet itself. To do so would require a lot more energy, and is more likely to fail even if that requirement is met. In order to succeed at a Denial, the user must truly believe it to be a fact that will come to pass. "The Bullet's momentum is gone" and "The Bullet is gone" both must be enforced in the users mind, with the latter being far more difficult to muster a true belief in. This power can only be used to remove something, be it more conceptual like momentum or physical like an object. It does not have to remove the entirety of something, taking away only bits and pieces instead, and using it in this manner is far easier. An example would be only removing some of a bullets momentum and slowing it down greatly, or creating holes in a wall. Skills: She is good at many things, but few of them could be considered useful. Most of her skills are things like a talent for decor, wood carving, or playing musical instruments. In terms of useful skills, she is an excellent cook so long as it's some form of soup or stew being made, is decently athletic, and has a good understanding of machinery. She is a poor student when it comes to academics, as she purposely chooses to neglect what she finds dull or unimportant. In the few subjects she does apply herself, she performs admirably. Brief Backstory: She has a complicated history with her status as a Tuner. Moving to Japan was a difficult experience, both culturally and because simply being forced to attend the academy there rubs her the wrong way. Despite how she acts at times and the fuss she made when she was younger, her life was otherwise a happy one. For various reasons she had difficulty making friends, and between that and her situation as a Tuner, her parents did their best to compensate by supporting whatever hobbies and other freedoms they could. She has been with the academy for awhile now, but due to her difficult attitude to work with she has yet to manage a viable match with a Receiver. Receiver: Yet to find a suitable match. [/hider]