"Lammy, have you ever heard the phrase 'tempting fate'?" Apparently someone had, because not ten seconds went past it before the door suddenly shuddered under a battering ram barrage that could be described as knocks if you lived with an ogre family, or perhaps thought that knocking was a form of martial arts. Hopestone said something that none of them could understand, but it sounded pretty obscene, and moved over to the door, snatching the sword from its hanging behind the bar. She moved to the door and pulled it open a crack. "Daskard, you're still alive." The door got shoved open and a large, aging man entered, a red cloak wrapped around his body. His head was shaved except for two strips of hair along his cheeks, a look that had Lily giving him the side-eye. Behind him were two men wearing heavy armor, and compared to the gate guards they had the bearing and gear of actual soldiers. "Hopestone. His Lordship has become aware that we have guests within the city. They are ordered to accompany me to meet with His Lordship immediately." "See, Lammy? Tempting fate." Lily sighed. "Give us five minutes." She moved over to her gear and began donning her armor, Daskard watching with barely concealed impatience.