Arte paused her video game after being lost in her thoughts for awhile. She turned on her phone to check the date, and found that she was correct. Today was the day of the Club Fair. She stretched her arms, and looked out the window. Luckily it wasn't too far of a walk. She saved her game, then walked out of her dorm room and locked the door behind her. As Arte walked to the door, she walked in front of the hall mirror and made sure she still had her necklace on. Yup. Soon, she was in hearing distance of The Night Garden's booth. [i]...y taking up a bench row at home games,"[/i] Leo was saying as Arte walked up to the booth. There were talking to two males, one of them at least bound to be a human. Arte hated to interrupt, but did so anyways. [color=2e3192]"Hey, Afina. Leo. Sorry I'm late. Didn't realize what today was,"[/color] she said, scratching the back of her head all cliche like. She turned to the two males, not knowing how much of a conversation had gone by. [color=2e3192]"Hi, I'm Arte. Artemis Midstark, actually, but you can call me Arte. I'm the Treasurer of The Night Garden."[/color] she smiled to them.