Here is my character. Typically we use a hider for them. [hider=Gonad Yaksplitter] [img][/img] Name: Gonad Yaksplitter Title: The Lord of the Rising Sun Age: 34 Height: 7'2" Weight: 499 pounds Race: Human Class: Warrior Alignment: Chaotic Good Eye Color: Hazel [b][color=9e0b0f]Weapons and Equipment-[/color][/b] His body, occasionally a set of thick six-kilo gold-gilded runite (a foreign metal of nigh-indestructible toughness) bracers and a pair of dragon gauntlets (a metal that is a tier above runite, also almost indestructible). He often wears the "Tzhaar-Kal-Ket" ([url][/url]), an incredibly rare and magical cloak bestowed upon those few in history who have triumphed over the brutal challenges of the volcano-dwelling Tzhaar. It is impervious to heat and cold & incredibly durable to boot. He also always keeps an enchanted "Inoculation Brace" ( on his ankle. [b][color=9e0b0f]Appearance-[/color][/b] Silhouetted against the burning passions of war, a figure stands tall, unmoving. His physique is as definitive as the gory victory with which his gruesome hands secure. Woven into his beard is a tapestry of blood, proclaiming the legendary tales of the countless scars adorning the sacred weapon, known as Gonad. For weapon he is, heated and hammered in the unquenchable fires of battle. Pure unadulterated muscle. Lean muscle that ripples under his flesh like the waves of the ocean. He has muscles on his muscles. Feet Muscles. Finger muscles. Muscles in places that muscles should not be. A grisly body resembling tanned granite that might as well have been chistled by the gods. Bulging veins, thick and course. Tendons like steel cords. Fingers like blunt iron rods. Long, sinewy limbs crafted for naught but the deliverance of phenomenal destruction. His enormous yet supple frame moves with a primal grace, the likes of which are comparable only to the untamed beasts of the wild. His body is riddled with the innumerable wounds left by his combative livelihood. There are hundreds upon hundreds. Where the scars do not cover his body, coarse manly hair, thick and strong like steel wool, does. He boasts a great dark gray beard speckled with the blood and bone flakes of his foes, flowing down his freakishly striated chest in thick, oily waves reminiscent of the River Styx. From it emanates the very stench of death and graverot, every bit as inescapable as his piercing glare. Within his single eye resides an undying flame, sizzling hotter than the arse-winds of Satan himself. [b][color=9e0b0f]Personality-[/color][/b] What attributes the primal organism known as "Gonad" bears are no different than the attributes of mother nature herself. Blood-tinged Westerlies carving jagged sluices along the tepid surface of a great and mysterious ocean, whose calm demeanor belies a vast and terrible capability. The wisdom of towering snow-capped mountains, whose interminable experience has been honed over countless millennia of wear and tear. The trepid balance between predator and prey, animal and man, intermingling to form a singular amalgamation of virile life. And yet, he maintains a feature apart from nature. Self-awareness. He lives only for pushing the boundaries of human strength and spirit, forcing himself beyond the utmost limit in extreme combat. He fears not death, nor pain, nor loss, for it is from these things that the vigor and strength of true manhood and honor spring. He revels in the pain, luxuriates in death, and basks in loss. He never will engage in dishonorable practices such as deception, and will not tolerate an unfair fight. Though he may oftentimes appear a comical fool, Gonad is truly just a simple man who very rarely premeditates an action, instead acting from the heart and without hesitation, following only the voice of his soul. [img][/img] (Gonad with his bracers) [b][color=9e0b0f]Physical Abilities/Skills-[/color][/b] Regarded in his home realm as the greatest martial artist and warrior to have ever lived, Gonad boasts tremendous dynamic and static strength, as well as the primal grace and speed of a wild animal. He fights through experience and instinct, capable of reacting to attacks through muscle memory before he consciously registers them. Gonad is the supreme master of his own body, and can control its functions at will. He can use the full potential of his latent strength, constrict blood vessels to keep from losing fluids, and transmit senses other than sight through his visual cortex along with a plethora of other abilities. Gonad is a grandmaster of the berserker arts and can utilize three different forms of the technique, each one a step up from the last. These three modes are Semi Berserk, Fully Berserk, and the preeminent Primal State. He witholds a vast array of rare and lethal wisdom and is said to know of over one-thousand ways to kill with his bare hands. [img][/img][/hider]