Bryan watched as the group began to grow before his eyes. Unfortunately, the first chap who joined the group was, Aram. Someone who, Bryan disliked the look of as soon as he had seen him. He wasn't one to judge by appearance, and often worked around his instinctual feelings towards a person knowing that you should never judge a book by its cover. The 'google' comment flew over his head like an airliner, but what really got to him was the upfront flirting. It confused, Bryan in a strange way, but mostly angered him. To tell the truth, Bryan had never seen anything like it. As much as he disliked it, he had to say, the amount of confidence that Amon carried with him was impressive. Bryan never really considered himself to be confident in any way, and in fact, he kept quite a lot of his feelings inside, for fear of what people may think of him. Nevertheless, Bryan was no man of action and said not a word of action against Amon, just knitted his eyebrows slightly. His expression returned to its usual one of absent minded happiness. He listened as, Leo explained the group in more depth. He certainly defied the stereotype of the meat-head bully 'jock'. Or at least, from what Bryan knew of him so far. He gave a small wave at his side to, Artemis as she arrived on scene. They all seemed like nice people, par, Aram. But, Bryan had been wrong about people in the past, and in his experience people he had hated had soon become good friends, and this time could be no different. His eyes wandered about as he waited for the contact sheet to be passed from Aram to him. Soon he spotted a small flyer, less well-made group of flyers sitting just behind the leaflets. It seemed that the group needed a new secretary, and had yet to put up the flyers around school. Actually, had they? Bryan could vaguely remember seeing that somewhere, as a matter of fact, did he see it today? He closed his eyes, and rubbed the inside corner of his right eye with his thumb in deep thought. Well, it wasn't like it mattered, he opened his eyes and considered what he was about to say before finally saying it. [color=82ca9d]"Oh, are you guys looking for a secretary? I'm majoring in English and I'd be more than happy to help if the roles still open"[/color] He offered, his familiar grin returning to his face.