Alright, let's get technical! Receiver: Name: Mari Kougami Age: 17 Gender: Female Appearance: [url=]What's with this atmosphere...?[/url] She's a modest 5'6" high, if a comparison's needed. Personality: Mostly indifferent to the world and it's machinations, Mari has time and time again gone out of her way to avoid anything that she might consider a hassle; everything from relationships to arguments to socializing is a no-go on her list. However, by that same train of thought, she's become good at reading the mood and knowing when to try and slip out. Well, among normal people, at least. Otherwise, she's relatively antisocial by most standards and doesn't interact with people unless necessary. She's not lazy, despite her demeanor might lead a person to assume; no, rather, she's a person who prioritizes the most spectacular results in the most efficient manner possible above all else. No cutting corners, no slacking off, no nothing. Skills: Mari works well as a strategist, able to refine most details of a situation into a victory... Well, barring any unforeseen circumstances. She can also get a feel for whatever is happening around her at a given time and use that information to her advantage... Which usually means slipping away as quietly as possible. Other than being an analyst, she's also pretty good at strategy games of all sorts. Video games included. Brief Backstory: With her father being a banker and her mother working overseas at a law firm, Mari's life has been one of both solitude and of self-reliance. Money was by no means scarce, of course, but with her habits the way they were, there was never any need to actively buy anything superficial. She craved something interesting, though; whatever would stir up creativity, problem-solving, and so on and so forth; video games were entertaining for a while, but it often felt like those never put up enough of a challenge; no, in fact, the more she spent on them, the easier they felt. Regular board games, crossword puzzles, and so on and so forth... Nothing. Being marked as a Receiver, though, was nowhere near what she had been prepared for. Now, a life spent avoiding people had to transition into a life spent perpetually around someone... Probably just to exist and enable them. Well, maybe there would be something interesting waiting for her there instead. Tuner: N/A Tuner: Name: James Zhen Age: 17 Gender: Male Appearance: At a decent 5'9" tall, James is... Well, pretty average in terms of appearance. His black hair, seldom done up or anything of the sort, usually makes him look like he just woke up from a nap; his tendency to look uninterested in topics only makes the stereotype even worse (even though that isn't always the case). Often times, he'll be seen wearing a grey t-shirt and jeans, and maybe a black jackets if he decides the weather to be cold enough to warrant it. His body is a tad on the leaner side, with not much muscle nor fat to speak of. Personality: Unlike what most people would expect, James is a [i]very[/i] outspoken person, often directly clashing with people who he doesn't quite agree with. With that in mind, though, he's perfectly fine with a debate as compared to a shouting contest, and is willing to cede points that have been proven to counter his claims. Hardworking and intelligent (a byproduct of his parents' teaching methods), James much prefers espionage and intelligence over 'honor' and 'strength' and other such outdated ideals. A modern era necessitates a modern mindset, after all. Type: Weapon Abilities: N/A Weapon: Three, actually. James is able to swap between a [url=]sniper rifle[/url], a set of [url=]dual pistols (two of these)[/url], and a [url=]desert eagle[/url], all of which are essentially pulled from the Aether. The bullets themselves can be given different effects, such as increased penetration, homing, or paralysis, but their strength and variety is limited only by the Synch Ratio and his imagination. Bullet effects can't be stacked unless he's really in tune with his Receiver, though. Skills: James' reaction speed is... Impressive, to say the least. While he may not have any particular physical strength, his agility and on-the-fly decisionmaking skills are what really help him avoid getting hit. As a byproduct, he's also [i]really[/i] good at sightreading music scores. Oh, and he plays the violin. That's something. Brief Backstory: Born and raised by a pair of Chinese immigrants to America, James had the usual set of things piled onto him: mandatory good grades, the ability to play an instrument, and so on and so forth. He made it work, though; managing to relax with his friends while getting through school was a miracle in and of itself. By some twist of fate, though, he ended up testing positive for Tuner abilities. To the jealousy of his friends, James ended up being shipped off to the Academy (thank you, government funding). The shift was strange, yes, but so long as he could deal with the whole 'raising parents' thing with this he didn't have any complaints. Standard East Asian lifestyle and all that. Receiver: N/A