[center][color=92278f][i][b][h3]Karen Diana Irving McGrave[/h3][/b][/i][/color] [u][color=92278f][b]Age[/b][/color][/u] [i]11[/i] [u][color=92278f][b]Appearance[/b][/color][/u] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/99/6c/f3/996cf359d71e4856ed882bff1598b5c6.jpg[/img] [u][color=92278f][b]Personality[/b][/color][/u] Taciturn, collected, and dislikes becoming too excited. Karen, excluding wand-lore, prizes grace and excellence above all things. Young as she is, she has high standards that she holds herself and others to. She is a deep thinker, and prone to confronting another persons beliefs with her own. The idea of perfection drives her, and consequently, she's sometimes blind to her, and others, limits. Karen feels as if she has already found her direction in life - she moves with pride and with purpose, and always strives towards new heights. This was all due to how she was raised, and her subsequent orphaning. Still, she does have her childish side. She enjoys teasing her classmates, or at the very least, putting them in awkward situations, but avoids going too far, as this is mainly for her enjoyment and not out of any malice. Karen, despite how high she tries to hold herself, is a very lonely little girl inside. [u][color=92278f][b]History[/b][/color][/u] Born to a family of pure-bloods with a reputation for adventure and sudden bouts of inspiring insanity, Karen looked around her and saw giants. Each and everyone in her family were accomplished witches and wizards, some notable figures publicly, others choosing to conceal their talents for anonymity. Her parents were a group from the latter - they both were wand makers, and very good ones. However, not once did they ever sell their creations; they spent their whole life on research only, and relied on other sources to produce money. Their research took them to strange and dangerous places, often times leaving behind Karen to be looked after by relatives. Their research was on the creation of the most powerful wand; a wand that could surpass even the fabled Elder Wand. Their hypothesis was that the skill of the wizard was irrelevant, and the key of the wands power should rely solely on the wand itself. To that end, they believed that to create the most powerful wand, only the best materials should be used during its crafting. Over the course of ten years, the year after Karen was born, they went travelling around the world, chasing rumors and legends, mythical even by wizarding standards. They went after one mythical monster after the next, only returning home to compile and store their research and prototypes. Eventually, however, their adventuring took them too far and too deep into the mysteries of the world. They were in Africa when they disappeared, the only thing left of their existence was their research, and a packaged that arrived a week before, containing a wand, and addressed to Karen. Karen, heartbroken at the time, vowed to continue their work, even if it killed her. Though they didn't spend much time with her, they were parents who genuinely loved her - their only mistake was to take a foot into the wrong direction. Their research took them to places where no one could return from, physically and mentally. [u][color=92278f][b]Blood Status[/b][/color][/u] [i]Pure Blood[/i] [hider=Wand: Wood from Hyperion's branches & Phoenix Tail Feather Core / 10 inches][img]http://images4.fanpop.com/image/photos/16600000/Rufus-Scrimgeour-wand-from-Deathly-Hallows-harry-potter-16697716-600-600.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider= Pet: Elijah] Elijah is her friend, and one of two stalwart protectors. He's been with her since she was young, and has always alerted her to dangerous magical activity when nearby. [img]http://d21vu35cjx7sd4.cloudfront.net/dims3/MMAH/thumbnail/645x380/quality/90/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fs3.amazonaws.com%2Fassets.prod.vetstreet.com%2F6a%2F23e7c0a33f11e087a80050568d634f%2Ffile%2FNorwegian-Forest-7-645mk062211.jpg[/img][/hider][/center]