[hider=Receiver] Name: Sora Jo Age: 15 Gender: Female Appearance: [img]http://static.zerochan.net/Satonaka.Chie.full.806025.jpg[/img] For the most part she appears to be a perfectly average Japanese highschooler. Personality: She has a strong sense of scientific curiosity, wanting to understand everything around her. This is especially true of Aether, which she has a strong academic obsession with. She subscribes to the belief that a sound mind requires a sound body, and has a strict exercise, hygiene, and nutrition routine she follows. Her curiosity often leads her to fixate on things that may not be particularly important or relevant, and she is prone to getting lost in thought and tuning things out around her. Because of this, she has a series of alarms set to help her keep track of the time and what she should be doing. When it comes to others she tries to be polite and friendly, but is a notorious gossip and often treats people like a puzzle that needs figured out. Skills: While most of her skills could be considered strictly academic, such as being capable of doing high-level math in her head at a quick pace, she does apply that knowledge in useful ways. She is able to construct plans that take the potential actions of others into consideration, thinking ahead even in normal day to day life. She is a practitioner of Jeet Kune Do, fairly skilled for her age and experience, and applies her knowledge of physics and biology to it in experimental ways. Brief Backstory: Her intelligence and curiosity made itself known from a young age, and she was placed in various programs for gifted students throughout her early life. She was initially inspired to take up a martial art as a result of being bullied, but quickly came to adopt it as a genuine pursuit. Her parents being ones to think ahead, they already lived in the area of the academy long before it was time for her to attend. Because of this there was no big change in her life regarding attending, though she had looked forward to doing so ever since learning about it and her status as a receiver. Tuner: New Student [/hider]