Okay I have finally sorted out my race for my nation and hope to see what you guys think and hopefully like it. Other parts of my nations are coming together steadily. [hider=Midgarians] The Midgarians are a Bipedal humanoid mono-gendered race , They have an endoskeleton, lips, teeth which is similar to that of humans, though the canines are slightly more pronounced., They have two luminescent eyes with glowing irises, eyelids and tear ducts; they also have five fingers, One of which is a thumb, as well as five toes on each foot, The Species reach approximately 5'6 to 5'10 on average and weighting 158 to 170 lbs on average. In appearance, however, the Midgarians are distinctly feminine, at least to other humanoid races. They have a slender feminine build with slight muscular tones and curves, Their skin colour is usually purple, blue or pale grey which is of a smooth leathery texture. Generally, Midgarians reach maturity around the age of 22 years old with a lifespan around 200 years, Midgarian facial structure and hair actually makes them close to humans in physical appearance. Midgarian's internal make up utilize a six chambered heart and their lungs are generally one times the size of a human’s lungs, This allows them more stamina than what could be considered the average, Their physical strength is similar to humans, But have better Agility, Stamina and Endurance with good Skeletal and muscular strength. Although the eyesight of a Midgarian is pretty standard during the daylight, They are able to see normally during extreme darkness or night. This 'night vision' does come at a cost, however, Their focus on distant objects can be slower than that of a normal human. Midgarian's have a complex endocrine system, having several more hormones and chemicals than humans. Although internally, Midgarian's have less glands than the human endocrine system, The Midgarian system produces a greater variety of hormones for each gland present. The most notable of these hormones is the calming chemical known as Relaxitin, which is released from the Midgarian equivalent of the adrenal glands when severely stressed. Relaxitin attaches to the areas of the brain that produces stress, causing the cells to calm and release dopamine, creating an effect similar to the effect of THC in humans. Unlike most other organisms, The Midgarian's have a specialized desalination gland, located about 3 centimetres from the mouth, allowing them to drink both salt water and freshwater. When salt water is ingested, the gland produces several enzymes that remove the salt from the water. The removed salt molecules are then transported by the blood to the skin, where it is then released from the body, much like sweating in humans. While the species has a robust cellular regenerative system, They do not heal faster than other species. Midgarian blood also differs from most other species as it is a blueish purple colour, This is due to the trace amount of Cobalt in their blood instead of Iron, They also have very strong immune systems and thus Immune to many diseases, But not all. However they can act as carriers where other races may susceptible to infection. Although Midgarian's are considered mono-gendered, meaning they are neither male nor female. As a result, there are no gender differences, or gender-based issues which could be common to other cultures, In fact the official term for the Midgarian's is ( According to Geneticists.) simultaneous hermaphrodite as each individual possess both male and female reproductive organs with the later being a similar internal reproductive biology to a female human, Their breasts are also similar used to nurse their infants. Each individual has a smooth scalar prehensile tail hidden away in their body’s back, which acts as the male reproductive organ at the tip. This tail on average is about a meter long, sometimes longer. At will, though usually easier when sexually aroused, they may “grow” the tail out of their body but they prefer not to. Although it may seem that a Midgarian may reproduce without a mate having both a male and female reproductive organs, in reality it doesn't work as they have a protective mechanism against self-fertilization. Midgarians can actually cross-breed with other species, Although this only produces more Midgarians, This process is ill-understood by many in the geneticist community.[/hider]