Adalaide glanced at Norman and Anya before she put her drink down. "We need to leave, right now." She said, but she heard the beep and she knew it was too late. She threw herself at Anya and over the counter, sliding underneath. She tucked herself into a ball as it started raining down concreet. A large block fell on her, cracking as she was more durable than it. After the debris stopped falling and it sounded like there were others getting up, Adalaide braced her back and pushed up out of the concrete. "God damnit." Adalaide muttered as she stood up, brushing off dust from her person. "This is never going to wash." Adalaide sighed as she saw Norman feeding from the sanguinist. She made her way over there, albeit a little awkwardly as she was pretty banged up. "I apologize for this love." She said to him first before she grabbed his wrist and bit. As the blood hit her tongue she could already feel herself starting to heal. Bones fusing together, tendons going back into place. Once she had her fill she released the Sanguinist. "Thank you for that, it was well needed." She then followed in Norman's lead, looking for others who were trapped by the wreckage. She also took out her phone and dialed Bastian's number. She needed to know if this was their work or not.